Role: Pastor |
Hi my name is Phil Irvine and I’m the Pastor at Emu Plains Community Baptist Church. My family and I moved all the way from the Blue Mountains and to live in the community here in Emu Plains. Jesus said “I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.” Sometimes we find that our lives are so full with things to do, but we don’t seem to be fulfilled. I enjoy running, spending time with my family, playing Xbox and a good coffee. But what fills my life is Jesus. If you are wanting your life full, the best it can be, why not check out Jesus and take him up on this promise?
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Duration: 27 mins 16 secs
Following the first beatitude, "Blessed are the poor in spirit", that is, to recognise that we can never be good enough for God. We now need to mourn over our spiritual bankruptcy and see sin the same way that God does. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted"
Sunday, 09 February 2025
Duration: 24 mins 22 secs
As Jesus starts His teaching on the Sermon on the Mount, He starts by telling us how it is that we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is by recognising our own sinfulness, and realising our need for Him, that will get us into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Sunday, 02 February 2025
Duration: 23 mins 14 secs
As Jesus teaches His disciples about the Kingdom of Heaven He wants to show them that His Kingdom is an upside-down kingdom, where the poor, sorrowful and meek are the ones who are blessed. Over the next few months, we will journey together to see what this means for His disciples today.
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Duration: 24 mins 43 secs
Colossians 3:12 tells us that we are to clothe ourselves with PATIENCE. As James writes to the Christians who were scattered, he concludes his letter by talking about patience. In this passage, we have three examples of patience; The Farmer, The Prophets and Job. Each one gives us an insight into how we can grow patience in our lives and how God is working in the midst of our waiting.
Sunday, 29 December 2024
Duration: 27 mins 42 secs
Colossians 3:12 tells us that we are to clothe ourselves with COMPASSION. Here in the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus tells the religious expert that he is to show the same COMPASSION that the Good Samaritan shows. When we show COMPASSION to others we are sharing with them the COMPASSION that we have received from Jesus.
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
This Christmas season we have been looking at Faith, Hope, Love, Peace and Joy. All of these mean nothing if there isn't a relationship with God that goes on into eternity. This is the real Good News that God gives us at Christmas, in that He has sent His one and only Son, Jesus as our Saviour, and when you accept Jesus, He brings lasting Faith, Hope, Love, Peace and Joy.
Sunday, 22 December 2024
In today's message, we are considering the JOY that surrounds the Christmas season and looking at an unlikely person to show JOY in meeting Jesus, it is the unborn baby, John. John was already filled with the Holy Spirit and so was able to recognise who Jesus truly was, and that caused him to leap for JOY.
Sunday, 08 December 2024
The scriptures say that these three remain: faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love. It was LOVE that motivated God to send his Son into the world and LOVE that carried Him to the cross. In light of that, John tells us that LOVE should be our motivation as well, in our interactions with one another.
Sunday, 01 December 2024
Duration: 24 mins 10 secs
For the people who lived during Jesus's time, there wasn't a lot of hope. God had been quiet for 400 years, and the Romans were ruling over the nation of Israel. But then God sent John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus, the hope of the world. This is the same hope that we have today.
Sunday, 24 November 2024
As we start into the Christmas season, we will consider some of the words surrounding this time of the year: Faith, Hope, Love, Peace and Joy. Today we start with faith and the Bible tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. As we look at this passage we will see what Mary learns about faith and how she pleased God.