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Sunday, 24 May 2015
Passage: Acts 2:14-41
Duration: 37 mins 28 secs
You've probably heard the ancient Chinese proverb that says "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". In choosing to follow Jesus, the disciples took a first step, leaving their jobs and families behind to become His disciples. In Acts 2, we see how far they've come. They started out as unlearned fishermen and tax collectors, and now at Pentecost, with the coming of the Holy Spirit, they stand declaring the gospel in foreign languages that the people gathered understood. Peter is quick to proclaim that this is God's power at work in them. He then points the people to Jesus, showing how what they are witnessing is a fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies brought about through Jesus. Finally he brings people to Jesus by calling them to repentance and baptism. It's one thing for a person to have understanding about Jesus, but it's not until they meet Him, repent, accept and follow Him that their lives are transformed. It's clear from this passage that we cannot carry out God's mission in our own strength. We are called however to make a first step towards helping someone encounter Jesus. And then another. And then another. As Samwise Gamgee put it, "If I take one more step, it will be the farthest away from home I've ever been." That's where Jesus is leading us. All we have to do is follow.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Duration: 33 mins 26 secs
Jesus’ command was for us to go to all the nations and teach them everything He commanded, but we can’t do this alone. The ‘you’ in the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and in Jesus’ final command to His disciples on earth (Acts 1:8) is a collective ‘you’. It for all disciples of Jesus to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth, and we are to do this in unity. Similarly, in Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus says we are collectively the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Salt preserves and adds flavour, while light brings warm and comfort. This is who we are. For us to live out the great commission we must first start with prayer. Prayer for us as a church reaching out into our community and prayer for those who God has placed on our heart individually. Evangelism becomes powerful when it becomes personal.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Duration: 40 mins 45 secs
This passage is often referred as the Great Commission. Jesus indicates that He has all authority in heaven and earth. This was shown throughout His ministry on earth through His teaching, His power to heal people, His power over nature, His authority to forgive sins, His power over death and His power over satan. As Christians we know that Jesus has this authority. We need to trust in Him and step out and act under His authority in whatever circumstances that we face in our life as we witness to others about the love of Jesus. We don't need to do this in our own strength because Jesus gives us the ability and is always with us. What is it that you need to be doing to carry out this Great Commission?
Sunday, 03 May 2015
Passage: Acts 2:36-41
Duration: 37 mins 11 secs
In this passage Peter shares with the people that it was they who had crucified Jesus, both Lord and Messiah - the person thay had been waiting for. The people showed remorse and were sorry for what they had done, but Peter told them they also needed to repent and be baptised. We too can be sorry and show remorse for the wrong things we have done, but it is important to also show repentance - a commitment to do whatever it takes to turn our lives around from the wrong way we are heading. The good news Peter shared, and is still true for us today, is that by repenting and making a commitment to Jesus, our sins are forgiven. The great news is that we also receive all the blessings from God and know that He sees each of us as a reflection of Jesus! We know we can't earn God's love but it is also true that no matter how many times we think we have failed God, we never lose His love.
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Passage: John 21:1-22
Duration: 41 mins 14 secs
As a Christian, following Jesus can be hard. We make bold claims about our commitment to Christ, but how often have we failed Him when put to the test in our everyday life. Where does our dependence lie - with ourselves or in Jesus Christ? We need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and run the race He has planned for us as we go out and let others know about Him. We need to have a love for Jesus that surpasses all other things and we need to be committed to Him in all aspects of our lives, taking up our cross and following Him.
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Duration: 19 mins 22 secs
Everyone of us at some time has given in to temptation. When Jesus was here on earth one of the things He did continuously was to get the people listening to Him to understand that giving in to temptation is more than doing or not doing, but is a state of being. In this passage we can see some of the ramifications that people faced after falling to temptation. Obvious temptation that we know is wrong can be easy to avoid, but the world can provide more subtle temptations. We need to be faithful to God and allow Him to work in our lives. We are told that will not be tempted beyond what we can bear. Only through Jesus will we be able to overcome any temptation that causes us to stumble in our Christian walk with Him.
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Duration: 30 mins 28 secs
Death – the final frontier. The unexplored territory where many have gone but none returned. The great unknown at the end of this life. Or is it? What are the logical and practical implications of the Easter story for you and I? Paul argues in 1 Corinthians 15 that it is solely on one event in human history – the death and resurrection of Jesus – that the Christian faith rests. If it falls, then everything else goes with it, including Jesus’ teachings and promises about the life to come which form the basis of Christian hope.
Sunday, 05 April 2015
Passage: Luke 24:13-35
Duration: 24 mins 53 secs
The two disciples travelling on the road to Emmaus appeared discouraged because God had not done what they wanted Him to do - they had hoped that Jesus was the one who was going to redeem Israel. They could not reconcile what had happened over the past few days. They saw the glory of the Kingdom but failed to see the suffering of the King. There was proof that Jesus was alive, but they were not able to see it. Even when Jesus came along side them on the road they did not recognise Him and it was only after He shared a meal with Him that there eyes were open to see Jesus. The words Jesus had spoken to them on the road made their hearts burn. When was the last time that the Word of God burned in your heart? If we are to experience Jesus then we need to spend time with Him. We need to witness to others the great news that Jesus is not dead, but alive for us all. The disciples saw Jesus in their ordinary day life. We need to see Jesus in the same way.
Sunday, 29 March 2015
There are many people in this world who don't openly reject God. They live a life that appears OK to others and if their good outweighs the bad, then they are satisfied with that. Jesus came to save these people! In this passage, Jesus tells a number of parables that are still relevant and a challenge for us today. In our life circumstances we need to show humility to others in all we do, an example of what Jesus showed whilst here on earth. When we connect with people it is easy to look at what we can gain or lose from the relationship - we should consider what opportunities there are for sacrifice and service instead! Jesus has given us the ultimate invitation - an eternal life with Him. We need to accept this invitation and let others know of what Jesus offers. Jesus wants us to be completely committed to Him and be prepared to surrender ourselves to God's will. Is there are fakeness in your life that does not allow you to be fully committed to Jesus?
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Passage: Luke 19:1-10
Duration: 39 mins 25 secs
Some people saw Jesus as a prophet while others saw Him as a king who would rule on this earth. In this passage we see the real reason for Jesus coming to earth - to seek and to save those who are lost. People saw Zacchaeus as a cheat and an unworthy person because of the things he did as a tax collector, but Jesus saw Zacchaeus as a precious person. How do you see people around you? We need to realise that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and cannot be saved without Jesus, who is still seeking and saving the lost. Are you saved or are you lost? We need to live a life that allows others to find Jesus.