What does it mean to have genuine connections with each other, as a church, with the community and with God? Connections are important and we sometime don't realise this until that connection is lost, for example, a broken relationship with a family member. Adam and Eve lost their close relationship with God after they sinned and were expelled from the Garden of Eden. When we don't have a connection with God, we have a dead relationship with Him. When we reconnect with God, our relationship is alive in Him. Our relationship with God has the opportunity to be restored, but this can only be done through Jesus Christ. When God saves us and bring us to Himself he also brings us to each other. When we come together as a church, we do so to support each other, build each other up and help and care for each other. We are saved for a purpose - to do the work that God has called us to do. What is God's purpose and direction for you in your life and for your local church?
Duration:11 mins