Sunday, 16 August 2015

Who is the Holy Spirit?

As Christians we need the Holy Spirit to live the life that God wants us to live. The Holy Spirit works along side of us to be an advocate, a comforter and helper. The Holy Spirit is truth and God's word is truth and therefore the Spirit will not guide us outside of what is written in the bible. The Spirit of God is not different to the Son of God. As believers today, we did not see Jesus as a man on this earth, but we are connected to Jesus in the same way the disciples were when Jesus left this earth, and that is through the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. The world receives peace in times of no trouble. Christians receive the peace of God despite our troubles. We can only receive this peace if we first accept Jesus into our lives and allow the Spirit to work in our lives. Will you allow God to work in your life? Will you allow the Spirit to bring you into a deeper relationship with God?
Duration:28 mins 51 secs