Sunday, 29 November 2015
Duration: 29 mins 49 secs
Before the work began on rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah inspired the people, he assured them that it was God who was at work, when the people were afraid he prayed that God would strengthen them, when they were threatened Nehemiah stood his ground. The building of the walls are complete and the gates are fixed in place. Nehemiah appointed two men to assist him in now leading to protect the people. These men were chosen for their integrity and for their fear of God. They were men who wanted to put God first. Other people were appointed as gatekeepers and guards to watch and protect the people from intruders. The message for us as Christians today is, that if we don't protect what God has accomplished in our life, then the enemy will come in and take it over. If we truly fear God then we will be faithful to the work he has called us to.
Sunday, 22 November 2015
We face all types of pressure in our lives. As Christians, we also face spiritual pressure from Satan. We need to be alert and prepared to face this pressure, by spending time with God in prayer. Nehemiah faced personal attack in his conviction of following God's plan, by have having false accusations made against him. Nehemiah's response was to deny the accusations, pray to God for strength and to get back to work in following God's plan. Nehemiah had a personal connection with God and was confident trusting in Him, even when threatened with physical harm by those who opposed him. We can struggle in reading the bible and praying on a regular basis. We need to be in a close relationship with God by regularly praying to Him so that Satan does not get a hold in our life. God need to be working in us and we need to trust ourselves in Him.
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Duration: 34 mins 48 secs
In this chapter we see that the people are not fighting an external enemy but an enemy within - selfishness. Wealthy people were exploiting the poor in complete contradiction to their own law. God has a special concern for the poor, a concern we are also to have. Nehemiah's immediate response was one of anger but then he ponders the situation. He rebukes those who were taking advantage of the poor and disobeying God. Israel was to be an example to other nations but their witness of Jews selling other Jews into slavery was giving the wrong message. Nehemiah leads by example, not out of favour of people but for the favour of God. We need to be looking to the interest of others, not just ourselves. To do this we need to rely on Jesus and not try to do this in our own strength. How can we further God's kingdom if we are so wrapped up in our own selfish ways. Who's kingdom are you building? Who are you seeking first?
Sunday, 08 November 2015
Duration: 31 mins 29 secs
History has shown that when we are on God's agenda then issues and conflicts can arise as Satan's schemes try to take hold. The Jews faced opposition and were ridiculed as they endeavoured to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. From a human perspective, the task looked hopeless. The opposition shown to the rebuilding of the wall was an opposition to God's plan. Nehemiah's response to the insults and threats was to come to God in prayer. The people also faced discouragement and fear but Nehemiah continued on in doing God's plan. We too can face discouragement and fear in our own lives when we are not spending time in prayer with God and we lose our focus on His plan for us.
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Duration: 32 mins 48 secs
Nehemiah planned for success in wanting to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. With God in the picture, this task was not going to be done by Nehemiah alone, but with the help of many as they understood what needed to be done. The people who helped build the city walls and gates were from varied backgrounds including high priests, rulers, craftsmen and lay people. A number of groups from outside of Jerusalem also helped whilst others did more than just their own section of wall allocated to them. As Christians today, sometimes there are tasks that God can make known to us that are outside our normal activities and there are times when we are capable of doing additional things for God. Are you seeking God for ways to serve Him to grow His kingdom?
Sunday, 18 October 2015
How can we guarantee to fail in our life. (1) look at the size of the task ahead of you; (2) look at yourself and your limited resource for the task; and (3) leave God out of the picture. Nehemiah had a major task ahead of him. He planned for success by first praying to God to seek His guidance. It was a test of his faith as he waited on God for an answer. When God did answer, it still required Nehemiah to step out in faith as he spoke to the king about going to Jerusalem to rebuild it. Faith is not stepping out blindly but stepping out where God wants you to go. Success in this world can be money, career or winning. Success for a Christian is doing God's will. When we are on the journey of God's will, we will face opposition. We need to stand firm against the devil's schemes. Are you waiting on God for His guidance and prepared to step out in faith when He asks you to?
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Duration: 32 mins 59 secs
Nehemiah was a man of major influence because of his position as cupbearer to the king. He showed great concern for the future of God's kingdom and for the glory of God after hearing news about the Jewish people being in great trouble and disgrace and the walls of Jerusalem broken down with the city gates burned with fire. Nehemiah was a man of prayer and tooks his concerns to God about his people. When we commit ourselves to prayer, we rely on God for his timing and support and not run ahead of Him and try to do things in our own strength. As Christians, are we concerned for people who are not a part of God's kingdom?