Role: Pastor |
Hi my name is Phil Irvine and I’m the Pastor at Emu Plains Community Baptist Church. My family and I moved all the way from the Blue Mountains and to live in the community here in Emu Plains. Jesus said “I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.” Sometimes we find that our lives are so full with things to do, but we don’t seem to be fulfilled. I enjoy running, spending time with my family, playing Xbox and a good coffee. But what fills my life is Jesus. If you are wanting your life full, the best it can be, why not check out Jesus and take him up on this promise?
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Duration: 41 mins 14 secs
As a Christian, following Jesus can be hard. We make bold claims about our commitment to Christ, but how often have we failed Him when put to the test in our everyday life. Where does our dependence lie - with ourselves or in Jesus Christ? We need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and run the race He has planned for us as we go out and let others know about Him. We need to have a love for Jesus that surpasses all other things and we need to be committed to Him in all aspects of our lives, taking up our cross and following Him.
Sunday, 05 April 2015
Duration: 24 mins 53 secs
The two disciples travelling on the road to Emmaus appeared discouraged because God had not done what they wanted Him to do - they had hoped that Jesus was the one who was going to redeem Israel. They could not reconcile what had happened over the past few days. They saw the glory of the Kingdom but failed to see the suffering of the King. There was proof that Jesus was alive, but they were not able to see it. Even when Jesus came along side them on the road they did not recognise Him and it was only after He shared a meal with Him that there eyes were open to see Jesus. The words Jesus had spoken to them on the road made their hearts burn. When was the last time that the Word of God burned in your heart? If we are to experience Jesus then we need to spend time with Him. We need to witness to others the great news that Jesus is not dead, but alive for us all. The disciples saw Jesus in their ordinary day life. We need to see Jesus in the same way.
Sunday, 29 March 2015
There are many people in this world who don't openly reject God. They live a life that appears OK to others and if their good outweighs the bad, then they are satisfied with that. Jesus came to save these people! In this passage, Jesus tells a number of parables that are still relevant and a challenge for us today. In our life circumstances we need to show humility to others in all we do, an example of what Jesus showed whilst here on earth. When we connect with people it is easy to look at what we can gain or lose from the relationship - we should consider what opportunities there are for sacrifice and service instead! Jesus has given us the ultimate invitation - an eternal life with Him. We need to accept this invitation and let others know of what Jesus offers. Jesus wants us to be completely committed to Him and be prepared to surrender ourselves to God's will. Is there are fakeness in your life that does not allow you to be fully committed to Jesus?
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Duration: 39 mins 25 secs
Some people saw Jesus as a prophet while others saw Him as a king who would rule on this earth. In this passage we see the real reason for Jesus coming to earth - to seek and to save those who are lost. People saw Zacchaeus as a cheat and an unworthy person because of the things he did as a tax collector, but Jesus saw Zacchaeus as a precious person. How do you see people around you? We need to realise that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and cannot be saved without Jesus, who is still seeking and saving the lost. Are you saved or are you lost? We need to live a life that allows others to find Jesus.
Sunday, 01 March 2015
Duration: 33 mins 28 secs
What is church to you? Is it like a petrol station, where you come and get filled up and then move on; or is it like a movie theatre where you come to be etertained; or how about a chemist where to come to get fixed; or even a supermarket where there is a great service at a low price that offers the programs you want. We need to move away from this self-centred thinking. The bible paints the true picture of the church - a body of people with Christ as the head. Jesus chooses to work through us as a church. Every member of the church needs to be connected to the head (Jesus), but we also need to be connected to one another, encouraging and supporting each other. How are you connecting with the head and each other?
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Duration: 30 mins 53 secs
As Christians, whilst we face physical challenges in our life, the ongoing battle we face is in the spiritual realm. We are constantly in a spiritual battle, being led away from God by worldly influences. We cannot fight this battle without praying. We need to be in constant communion with God, not only in asking for His help and support, but by also praising Him in all the things that He has done and will do for us. Prayer is the power to victory. Paul also reminds us that we are to be ever watchful for other Christians and be in prayer for them. When we take the time to be in prayer to God, it is then that He can work in us, rather than trying to do everything in our own strength.
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Duration: 32 mins 59 secs
It doesn't matter who we are, one thing we all have in common is the amount of time each of us have each day. How do we make the most of this time? We focus on things eternal, not the temporary things of this world. There is a balance to be had, but when "time-wasters" become the priority in our life, then it is time for some changes. When our life is filled with God's Spirit we can't help but reflect to others the love God through our words and action. When we spend time in God's Word, the Bible, God can reveal, and allow us to understand, what His will is for us in our life and how we can serve Him. What are you doing in your life to serve God?
Sunday, 01 February 2015
Duration: 30 mins 38 secs
The purpose of the local church is not to exist but to grow as a church in Jesus Christ. God has given us all we need to have unity in the church and to grow in Christ. We all need to mature and get stronger as a church so that we can obtain unity in the faith and be equipped to encourage each other. Jesus is the foundation of our life. How are you connected to Jesus? Are you a participator or a spectator?
Sunday, 25 January 2015
As a Christian, unity is not an option for us. In this passage we see how God would want to work in the church. Unity does not just happen - it takes affort, sacrifice and submission to each other. Our actions should match what we believe. Being humble and gentle is having your strength under control. Unity requires us to show patience with each other. If we try for unity in our own strength we will fail. It is only through God's Spirit that allows us to obtain true unity. Living a life worthy of our calling, humility, gentleness, patience and bearing with each other in love. Which of these do you find the most difficult to apply in your life?
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Duration: 28 mins 12 secs
Paul reminds the Gentiles that they were once separated from God and without hope, but now can have full access to God through Jesus Christ. The hostility that was present between Jew and Gentile has now been broken down because of Christ. As Christians, we too have have been given full access to God, we have become a part of a larger family and we have the Spirit of God dwelling within us. What a privilege this is! What does it mean for you to be a part of God' family?