Sunday, 06 April 2014
Duration: 24 mins 36 secs
After being impressed by the magnificance of the temple structure, Jesus tells His disciples that the massive stones of the temple will be all thrown down with none left on another. When the disciples ask Jesus when will this all happen, He explains to them that there will be signs of the end times to watch for, including wars and earthquakes. Jesus also said that for those who love Him they will be hated but to stand firm in Him. Jesus tells us to be aware of false messiahs and prophets claiming to be Him, who will deceive many - we need to be on our guard. Jesus also makes it clear in this passage, that even though we will see the signs of the end times, no one will know the day or hour. We therefore need to be ready and waiting for when this day comes by keeping our eyes and focus on Him.
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Duration: 34 mins 34 secs
As Jesus approaches Jerusalem He knows that things are about to intensify for Him. Jesus knows that the people of Israel have become like the fig tree that looks good on the outside but bears no fruit. Jesus shows His authority by turning over tables and driving out those who were buying and selling in the temple courts. Does Jesus have authority to change over tables in your life? The religious leaders of Jesus' day where very proud and afraid of what the people thought of them. All they were concerned about was their own status in the community and use their power to lord it over the people. We need to remember in our own lives not to be proud but to humble ourselves before God and be a servant to others. What are you proud of that keeps you independent of God? What do you need to hand over to Him?
Sunday, 16 March 2014
Duration: 29 mins 29 secs
Who do people say Jesus is? The world view would say a mere man, a myth or is part of the Christmas story. In this passage the people saw Jesus who had authority to forgive sins and perform miracles, but did not understand who He was. At the same time, the disciples understood Jesus to be the Messiah, but did not understand what this was to mean. They saw the Messiah as someone who would retore the kingdom on earth, not lay down His life for the us to be given the opportunity to be a part of the Heavenly Kingdom. If we claim to have Jesus Christ in our lives, we need to live our life properly by denying ourself, taking up our cross daily and following Jesus. What is the greater worth for you - what the world has to offer or what Jesus has to offer?
Sunday, 09 March 2014
Duration: 34 mins 22 secs
When driving a car we are aware there are blind spots. The Christian life can also have blind spots that we need to be careful of, namely (1) hard hearts where we are not open to hear what God has to say, or (2) a worldly heart where our thinking is the way the world thinks and we miss what God has to say to us, or (3) no spiritual growth because we don't spend enough time with God. The Pharisees had hard hearts and no faith because they wanted Jesus to show them a sign from heaven, even though Jesus had already performed many miracles. Faith is about being sure of the things we don't see and we need to live each day with this faith in Jesus. If we focus our minds on worldly things, we do not allow God to work in our lives. We need Jesus to take control of our lives and then we will see clearly what He wants us to do.
Sunday, 02 March 2014
The Christian life is a journey, travelling to a known destination. The journey is not always smooth but it is made easier by having faith in Jesus. In this passage from Mark, the disciples, at this stage of their ministry, were seeing things through their own eyes, but they needed to see things through Jesus' eyes. In our Christian faith journey we need to let Jesus drive, but we also need to let Him show us the sites on the way so that we see through His eyes and not through our own eyes. We need to look to Jesus and allow Him to take the control and direction of our lives.
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Duration: 36 mins 49 secs
Throughout Jesus' ministry on earth, He healed and forgave sins of individual people, including in this passage, bringing a girl back from the dead. These acts are a foretaste of what Jesus will ultimately do - give His life so that all of us can be saved and enter into the Kingdom of God if we believe and accept Him as our Saviour. Jesus shows His power over nature in being able to calm the storm. It showed, at this stage, that His own disciples did not have faith and trust in Him. When things get tough for us, do we have faith and trust in Jesus to see us through? Jarius' faith was tested when he found out that his daughter had died. Jesus showed that He had power and authority even over death. As Christians, we know that we are not immune to disease, difficult times and ultimately death. Committing our lives to God means that we will conquer all of these things after our time on earth and will spend an eternity with Him.
Sunday, 16 February 2014
There are two groups when it come to Jesus - those who are on the inside and those who are on the outside. What does it mean to be on the outside of Jesus? It is not understanding and accepting what Jesus is on about. This passage highlights that at this stage, even His own family are not on board with Him. You can grow up in a Christian home and go to church, but you are still on the outside of Jesus if you have not committed and handed over your life to Him. As an outsider you can be sincerely or deliberately wrong. Either way, Jesus is rejected and there is no future in God's Kingdom. To be on the inside with Jesus you need to accept and respond to the call of God. You need to spend time with Jesus and live your lives that become an extension of His ministry in this world. There is no middle ground when it come to Jesus - you are either in or out. Which side of Jesus are you on?
Sunday, 09 February 2014
Duration: 39 mins 11 secs
Jesus looked up and saw the faith of the men who had brought the paralytic man to Him. We need to show this same sought of faith in bringing others to know Jesus. Jesus looked down and brought forgiveness of sins to the paralytic man. We need to come to Jesus, repent and believe, to have true forgiveness of our sins. Jesus looked around and saw the religious leaders. He looked within them and knew their inner most thoughts. Jesus knows everything about us. Jesus is the great healer. He came to bring people back into fulfillment, release them from their sin and to make them free. Jesus can't heal those people who either do not want to know Him, know Him but don't want to trust Him or don't think they need Him. Let us not miss the opportunity to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and what He has to offer - forgiveness, fulfillment and freedom.
Sunday, 02 February 2014
Duration: 37 mins 23 secs
The gospel of Mark is one of activity and action and it is about what Jesus did rather than what He said. In this chapter we discover the identity of Jesus, His authority and His compassion in the miracles He performed. Jesus is shown to be a servant, and as Christians, this is the calling that has been placed on our lives. We need to show compassion in serving others, but also allow others to serve us when needed. The challenge for us is shown in the healing of the man with leprosy. Jesus commanded him not to tell anyone what had happened to him, but the man disobeys and tells everyone about Jesus. Today we have a different command. Jesus says go and tell everyone, but we don't tell anyone. If we are to follow Jesus we are to live like Him and be like Him, and by our actions and word, tells other the good news about Jesus Christ.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
On this Australia Day, we can reflect on how great our country is - the lucky country! But as great as this country is, it is not our country, this world is not our home. We are foreigners and strangers, aliens to this world. But what does this mean? We need to put our faith and trust in God and follow Him. When we are born, our address is this world. When we are 'born again' our new address is heaven - God's kingdom. It can be difficult at times to walk the Christian life, but we are to persevere, put our faith and trust in Jesus and not turn back to our old ways. Is the focus of our lives for the things of this world or is it to put our faith and trust in Jesus and glorify God?