Gifted by the Holy Spirit

Gifted by the Holy Spirit

Aug 2015 - Sep 2015
Sermons in this series
Sunday, 13 September 2015
Duration: 24 mins 1 sec
In Ephesians 4 Paul describes how God equips us through His Spirit to serve Him as part of a unified body. We are called to live lives worthy of the hope we have received by embodying characteristics similar to the Fruit of the Spirit. This is to be particularly evident in our unity, although we are each gifted differently. In this passage Paul identifies leadership gifts to equip the saints to equip other saints. The language throughout is similar to how one might prepare for battle, with each person playing their part towards a common goal. Are we living a life worthy of our calling, and are we growing together in unity and maturity?
Sunday, 06 September 2015
Duration: 33 mins 52 secs
The Christian life is about living our life for a higher call, that is, God's glory, His greatness and His kingdom. Our call in life is to serve God and He gives us gifts to enable us to achieve this. The New Testament does not give us a definitive list of these gifts from God. Everything we have has been given to us from God and we are to use these abilities and gifts for God's service. As Christians, God's ultimate to us all is one of salvation through His grace. The challenge for us is that we need to be living for God and not ourselves. We all have something to offer in using our gifts in service for God.
Sunday, 30 August 2015
Duration: 31 mins 51 secs
The Holy Spirit takes us from our old life to a new life with Jesus. In this passage Paul highlights the things in our life that will keep us away from God, but contrasts this with the fruits of the Spirit, the qualities of Christ, that we can have by following Jesus. What do you need to get rid of from your life that keeps you from living for God? Is there a fruit of the Spirit that needs a little more effort and work for it to become a natural part of your life?
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Duration: 42 mins 8 secs
In this passage, Paul's application of his teaching starts off with the ultimate goal for Christians, "follow God's example". What does Paul say on how we can achieve this? 1. God wants us to love as Jesus loved, an unconditional love, a love that is different to this world which depends on circumstances. 2. We are to live an obvious moral life, one that is pleasing to God. Do not partner yourself yourself with the ways of this world. 3. We are to live wisely, living in accordance with God's will. 4. We need to be filled with the Spirit. If we are to be truly following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, we can't live by God's love, lead a moral life and live wisely without being filled with God's presence.
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Passage: John 14:15-27
Duration: 28 mins 51 secs
As Christians we need the Holy Spirit to live the life that God wants us to live. The Holy Spirit works along side of us to be an advocate, a comforter and helper. The Holy Spirit is truth and God's word is truth and therefore the Spirit will not guide us outside of what is written in the bible. The Spirit of God is not different to the Son of God. As believers today, we did not see Jesus as a man on this earth, but we are connected to Jesus in the same way the disciples were when Jesus left this earth, and that is through the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. The world receives peace in times of no trouble. Christians receive the peace of God despite our troubles. We can only receive this peace if we first accept Jesus into our lives and allow the Spirit to work in our lives. Will you allow God to work in your life? Will you allow the Spirit to bring you into a deeper relationship with God?
Sunday, 09 August 2015
Duration: 37 mins 57 secs
It is easy to get caught up in all the technicalities of the Christian faith, but sometimes it is good just to get back to the basics. We need to remember to live under God's grace and not on our own efforts. The relationship of Adam and Eve with God was broken when Adam and Eve sinned. Everyone after Adam and Eve are born into sin and can only have a relationship with God when we recognise ourself as a sinner, believe in Jesus Christ and what He did for for us on the cross and accept Him as our Lord and Saviour. It is only then that we can be sure of an eternal life with God. Where do you stand in your relationship with God?