Sunday, 25 September 2016
Duration: 44 mins 29 secs
God has a plan and purpose for each of us in our lives. He has assigned a race for us to participate in. How committed are we in running that race with endurance, perseverance, passion and patience? There are many examples of people who have gone before us that showed evidence of faith in Jesus Christ, despite their own failings. God knows the struggles we have that hinders us from handing our live totally over to Him. Psalm 23 gives us the encouragement to run the race that God has proposed for us. We need to fix our eye on Jesus, the only one we can truly depend on.
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Duration: 42 mins 17 secs
Whatever the challenges we face in life, as Christians, we must persevere to keep on fixing our eyes on Jesus. In this passage the Jewish Christians were being encouraged to stay strong in their faith in Jesus Christ and not fall back on old practices or rely only on angelic experiences in their lives. Jesus is set above all things and now sits on the right hand of God. We need to be careful to pay attention and not drift away from Jesus, despite what experiences we go through in our lives. What are you fixing your eye on that may cause you to drift away from Jesus?
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Duration: 24 mins 14 secs
Jesus gives us freedom to choose want we want to do in our life. In today's passage and the parable Jesus told about the prodical son, Jesus illustrates this with the younger son choosing to leave his familiy. This son chose not to have a relationship with his father as he turned away from his family. When we feel distant from God, it is us that has moved away. We are like the lost sheep that has gone astray. Whatever struggles or battles we face in our life, we need to be in a right relationship with Jesus who will provide the guidance, direction and comfort we need. The other older son in the parable showed anger, resentment, jealousy and bitterness when things did not go as he expected. The love of the father in this parable was unchanging. God is also unchanging. No matter what our circumstances, Jesus will always welcome us into His family.
Sunday, 03 January 2016
Duration: 29 mins 35 secs
Nicodemus was a learned religious teacher, a leader amongst his people, and yet he sought out Jesus because he recongonised that Jesus was a teacher who had come from God. Jesus points out to Nicodemus, and for us today, is that all He wants from us is a relationship by being born again in Him. Jesus came to this world to set us free. It is not what we do that earns us a place in God's kingdom, but it is by believing and accepting Jesus into our life. God so loved, He gave, we believe, we live. As we face a new year we need to fix our eyes on Jesus and be prepared for the new things He has in place for us.
Sunday, 30 August 2015
Duration: 31 mins 51 secs
The Holy Spirit takes us from our old life to a new life with Jesus. In this passage Paul highlights the things in our life that will keep us away from God, but contrasts this with the fruits of the Spirit, the qualities of Christ, that we can have by following Jesus. What do you need to get rid of from your life that keeps you from living for God? Is there a fruit of the Spirit that needs a little more effort and work for it to become a natural part of your life?
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Duration: 54 mins 14 secs
Jeremiah tells us that those who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him, will be blessed, but those who put their trust in men will be cursed. The challenge before us today is where are we putting our trust? God's own people had lost their way and put their trust in idols - a path that was to lead them to destruction. Jeremiah tells them that their only hope is putting their trust and confidence in God. Do we travel the road that trusts in this world, which has no hope, or do we go along the path that leads to eternity with God? What does it mean to trust in God? We need to trust in His love, trust in His word, trust in His promises and trust in His plans for our future.
Sunday, 12 January 2014
We live in a world that does not want to wait for anything. We are not disciplined in our society to be patient - everything has to happen now! How often do we, in the rush of life, stop and listen to what God has to say to us. We are reminded in Isaiah 40:30 that our strength will be renewed for those who wait upon the Lord. But what is this waiting? A lifetime of waiting on the Lord is a lifetime of presence with and service for the Lord and not expecting Him to serve us. We need to be able to pause regularly from our busy lives and spend time with God so that we can understand what He has planned for us to serve Him. Let us make being in God's presence our passion!
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Duration: 54 mins 14 secs
Jeremiah tells us that those who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him, will be blessed, but those who put their trust in men will be cursed. The challenge before us today is where are we putting our trust? God's own people had lost their way and put their trust in idols - a path that was to lead them to destruction. Jeremiah tells them that their only hope is putting their trust and confidence in God. Do we travel the road that trusts in this world, which has no hope, or do we go along the path that leads to eternity with God? What does it mean to trust in God? We need to trust in His love, trust in His word, trust in His promises and trust in His plans for our future.
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Duration: 31 mins 43 secs
Jesus came to the woman at the well at her point of need and brought wholeness to her. Jesus is a God who bends down to us and stands up for us. God wants us to receive His grace and go out this week and live in it. Jesus doesn’t just want to get you into heaven, he wants to get heaven into you.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Duration: 41 mins 29 secs
Like Paul, we too can be bound in chains, even though they may not be physical. Paul reminds us to keep our eyes on Jesus, because this brings the deepest quality and meaning to our lives. No matter what happens around us, Paul calls us to stand firm in Christ. It is when we can not do any more that Jesus comes in His mighty power and does what we can not. Our attitude is to be like Christ’s, who emptied Himself for us and did everything for God’s glory. As we seek Him and live in intimacy with Him, He will work amazing things in us and bring His plan to completion.