Sunday, 26 September 2021
Duration: 25 mins 20 secs
We have a glorious hope. With all the struggles the world is going through, the answer is Jesus. Paul wrote from his imprisonment in Rome. He may have felt discouraged, frustrated and perhaps, sometimes unwell, yet Christ works through his weaknesses. Prayer does not always come easily and naturally. We need to practice this important discipline to continue our connection with God. Remember all that God has done. Praise and thanksgiving are key factors in every prayer. Paul prayed for open doors to proclaim the gospel, not so he could get out of gaol. We need to pray for opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with others.
Sunday, 16 May 2021
Duration: 36 mins 34 secs
Where are we at in our commitment to Christ? Adam & Eve gave in quickly to temptation in the Garden of Eden. Jesus struggled in the Garden of Gethsemane but totally committed Himself to God. Jesus did not demand His rights as God. He did it voluntarily and chose the path of pain because He loved us. We are a new creation, God's children, saints redeemed and forgiven. Our church has been bought with a price. Get rid of anything else on the throne of your heart and don't be double-minded. Seek the Lord our God and follow Him!
Sunday, 02 May 2021
Duration: 36 mins 23 secs
We need to recognise and acknowledge the sin within us, the power of confession, forgiving others and receiving forgiveness ourselves. Jesus came to set us free. Forgiveness is a powerful tool, essential to coming into inner healing and holiness. Some people abandon it as impossible but they forget the greatness of God. Forgiveness brings healing to ourselves. We need to confess our sin and be honest before God. When we confess, God will forgive.
Sunday, 12 July 2020
Duration: 24 mins 20 secs
Zerubbabel is described as God's signet ring, a deposit guaranteeing what is to come. God's promises are an anchor. Every one will be fulfilled. The question is not will God keep His promises, but will we rely on them? Some people are living in fear, loneliness or despair - particularly those isolated because of COVID-19. God's promises are very great, precious, the finest jewels in the universe (2 Peter 1:4). Is your anchor the circumstances of your life, another person or your savings, or is it in God? When the storm comes, will your anchor hold?
Sunday, 02 February 2020
Duration: 31 mins 51 secs
What kind of people is calling us to be? A life dedicated to others. We should encourage one another, bear with one another, pray for one another, accept one another, serve one another, forgive one another and love one another. If the heart of God is in us, then we will be pouring His love out for others. Don't give in to negative feelings or messages. God never gives up on us. He is always there and His arms are always open and outstretched.
Sunday, 29 September 2019
Duration: 44 mins 26 secs
As Christians, we are a called people and we are sent to proclaim God's kingdom wherever we are. This is the mission for all those who follow Jesus - it is not an option but a great responsibility, honour and privilege to represent Him. Jesus, at 12 years of age knew He had to be about His Father's business. 21 years later, Jesus commits Himself into His Father's hands and knows His earthly mission is finished. We are called to come to Jesus and go out to tells others about Him.
Sunday, 10 June 2018
Duration: 34 mins 47 secs
All of us wanted to be accepted by our family, friends and colleagues. We can find ourselves "performing" to attract others to ourselves, and in doing so, hide our true selves. As Christians, we can do the same thing in seeking the acceptance of God, but He loves us just the way we are. If we want Christ to save us, then we need to let go of the things that get in the way of a true relationship with Him. There is nothing we can do to earn God's grace. We need to live in the victory of what Jesus has already done for us.
Sunday, 11 June 2017
Duration: 48 mins 20 secs
How do you manage your emotions? As Christians, we worship an emotional God who wants a personal relationship with us. The only reason we have emotions is because we have been made in the image of God. Our emotions allows us love, show kindness and be compassionate. Emotions can also run our lives in a negative way. The book of Psalms helps us to understand the range of emotions we can face. It is important to understand how to manage our emotions and not let them rule our life. When we hang on to negative emotions it is only God that can heal our emotional wounds. The path to healing is to forgive and confess. We need to allow God to take control of our life.
Sunday, 09 April 2017
Duration: 46 mins 15 secs
The last days of Jesus' ministry on earth was spent telling people to be ready for His return. Jesus used the two parable examples in today's passage to illustrate this. We are to ready at any time for Jesus's return because no one knows when that day will be. Jesus went on to say that when He comes that people will be put into two groups - those that will inherit eternal life with Him and those who will condemned to eternal damnation. We are given free will wether or not to put our faith and trust in Jesus. Are you ready now for Jesus to come?
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Duration: 46 mins 14 secs
Prayer is talking with God, being still, waiting and listening to what He has to say to us. Prayer is not just a mere list of our requests of God. It is about what is happening deep in our hearts and having a close relationship with God. In this passage Paul says that we are to devote ourselves to prayer, a theme he carries across all of his letters, that we are to be diligent in prayer and pray continually. What does this mean? We need to: (a) cry out to God with all of our needs and requests and to be honest with Him; (b) turn our constant thoughts into a conversation with God; and (c) learn to listen to God in our heart through a discipline and a lifestyle of meditation and contemplation.