Sunday, 29 September 2019
Duration: 44 mins 26 secs
As Christians, we are a called people and we are sent to proclaim God's kingdom wherever we are. This is the mission for all those who follow Jesus - it is not an option but a great responsibility, honour and privilege to represent Him. Jesus, at 12 years of age knew He had to be about His Father's business. 21 years later, Jesus commits Himself into His Father's hands and knows His earthly mission is finished. We are called to come to Jesus and go out to tells others about Him.
Sunday, 22 September 2019
Duration: 29 mins 17 secs
The purpose of living "questionable" lives is so people will ask us why live like we live and believe what we believe. But when the questions come are we ready to answer them? This week we are looking at the heart of answering those question and the answer is always Jesus. Being a Christian is not about a bunch of rules and regulations, it's about a relationship with Jesus. Do we know him? Can we quote him? Is it obvious to others that we have a relationship with him?
Sunday, 01 September 2019
Duration: 24 mins 32 secs
Our world is filled with instantaneous entertainment, our homes are filled with noise and colour and our heads are filled with distractions. How can God possibly get in with all that is happening in and around us? Jesus promised us in John 16, that he would send his Holy Spirit, who would guide and speak to us. Speak words of truth and bring glory to Jesus. Our job is to make time in the business and distractions of life to hear Him speaking and obediently follow His voice.
Sunday, 25 August 2019
Duration: 25 mins 47 secs
There are three verses in the Bible that use the phrase "The Son of Man came..." Mark 10:45 tells us he came "...not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom". Luke 19:10 says he came " seek and save the lost." Luke 7:34 says he came "...eating and drinking" The first two what Jesus came to achieve; to give his life in service to save the lost. The third one tells us how he does this; fellowshipping with people around meals. As we reflect on the life of Jesus and point others to him, we need to follow his example and share a meal with others. In the simple act of sharing a meal, we show acceptance and love and the opportunity to share our lives and Jesus with others.
Sunday, 11 August 2019
Duration: 29 mins 29 secs
Today we start a series called "Surprise the World!" which is taken from a book written by Michael Frost with the same name. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at 5 habits that Michael suggests will make us more effective in our outreach to the world with the gospel. Today we see the importance of living lives that cause others to ask questions and taking opportunities that arise from that, and is the way we all need to be living.