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Sunday, 03 December 2023
Series: Romans
Duration: 27 mins 3 secs
In this passage we have four assurances: 1. Nothing and no one is stronger than God; 2. God's love will never change; 3. Grace always covers sin; and 4. Nothing can separate us from God's love.
Sunday, 26 November 2023
Series: Romans
Duration: 32 mins 47 secs
In this passage, Paul is dealing with suffering and pain, something that we all face. Here he talks about how, even though we will face suffering and pain, God is working through all circumstances to make us like his Son, Jesus Christ, and in time will also glorify us.
Sunday, 19 November 2023
Passage: Romans 8:1-17
Series: Romans
Duration: 24 mins 33 secs
Romans 8 is a chapter of FREEDOM where this is only found when we are in Christ. In this section, we see the first two freedoms we have. First, there is no CONDEMNATION (v.1) because of the sin in our old life, and second, we have no OBLIGATION (v.12) to the old (flesh) life, rather we are to live by the Spirit by which we can call God our Father.
Sunday, 12 November 2023
Passage: Romans 7:1-25
Series: Romans
Duration: 29 mins 46 secs
What good is the law if we don’t need it anymore? In answering this question, Paul explains about the AUTHORITY of the law, the MINISTRY of the law and the INABILITY of the law and how that affects our lives today.
Sunday, 05 November 2023
Passage: Mark 2:1-12
Duration: 22 mins 55 secs
Our lives are busy and we all have urgent needs. But is this the priority for us? Our greatness need is for the forgiveness of sins which separates us from God. Having faith and trust in Jesus is the only way we can have our sins foregiven because He is the only one who has the authority to do so.
Sunday, 29 October 2023
Series: Romans
Duration: 24 mins 37 secs
Last week we saw that we were to offer ourselves to God and not to sin and here Paul answers the question of why we should do that. It is because of the FAVOUR we have in Christ, the FREEDOM that has been won by Christ and the FRUIT that is produced by Christ.
Sunday, 22 October 2023
Passage: Romans 6:1-14
Series: Romans
Duration: 32 mins 42 secs
Now that we have seen what God has done for us in Christ, we need to make a choice of how we are going to live. Are we going to die to self and live a new life in Jesus or continue in our old way of life?
Sunday, 15 October 2023
Series: Romans
Duration: 29 mins 35 secs
In this passage, Paul is going to contrast two people, Adam and Jesus. In Adam, there is sin, trespass, judgment and death. In Jesus, there is a gift of grace, justification, righteousness and eternal life.
Sunday, 08 October 2023
Passage: Romans 5:1-25
Series: Romans
Duration: 37 mins 33 secs
Our relationship with Jesus has not come about by our works, but it is about what He has done for us by His grace. The grace of Jesus is available to us as we face different circumstances in our lives. We are reminded in this passage that we can now boast in the hope of the glory of God because of the peace we have with God through our faith in Jesus.
Sunday, 01 October 2023
Passage: Romans 4:1-25
Series: Romans
Duration: 31 mins 37 secs
In this chapter, Paul uses the example of Abraham to illustrate how justification works. It is by FAITH not WORKS, by GRACE not LAW and by POWER not PERFORMANCE.