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Sunday, 05 January 2025
Passage: Titus 3:4-7
Duration: 16 mins 59 secs
We live in a world where sin is living without recognition of, or having, a relationship with God. We are not perfect, but we can choose to live in love and let God change us. The challenge for us is to look to Jesus as we go about our daily lives in showing kindness and love to others. There is power in kindness, and in doing so, we are changing the world, little by little.
Sunday, 17 March 2024
Passage: John 17:1-26
Series: John
Duration: 24 mins 28 secs
Jesus wanted the disciples to hear His prayer to God the Father as He prepares to head to the cross. Jesus' prayer is one of encouragement to the disciples as He prepares to leave them. It is also a prayer for future believers that hear the message from the disciples and accept Jesus in their lives. We are believers today because of their messages.
Sunday, 21 January 2024
Duration: 22 mins 42 secs
This passage in Matthew shows the compassion, power and love of Jesus. With the death of John the Baptist, Jesus withraws to mourn and shows no anger or hatred. Feeding of the five thousand shows the power of Jesus in creating enough food from 5 small loaves and 2 fish. Walking on the water and calming the seas shows how Jesus is in control of all situations, then and now. Is Jesus in control of your life?
Sunday, 10 July 2022
Passage: 2 John 1:1-13
Duration: 23 mins 36 secs
John's letter has a warning to protect the truth to care for our faith - the truth of Jesus Christ living in us. We must walk in love and truth each day, and whilst this may be a challenge for us, it will sustain us through the dark times in our lives. We are also called to abide in the truth because we need to know and understand our belief to be able to resist the world and the devil. We are to avoid the many alternative practises and beliefs today that would cause us to question our faith.
Sunday, 23 May 2021
Duration: 32 mins 46 secs
Spiritual warfare is recognising and standing against Satan's attacks. Jesus came to set us free from the captivity of sin. Bondage and condemnation go against His nature and everyone He encountered He freed. Spiritual warfare is about freedom. We need to stand up against this warfare and sometimes we need to fight. Spiritual warfare is not optional. The reason the Son of God came was to destroy Satan's work. Spiritual warfare also refines us, tests us and glorifies Jesus which glorifies the Father.
Sunday, 18 April 2021
Passage: Galatians 5:1
Duration: 26 mins 22 secs
What keeps us bound and restricted to receive the freedom of living in the will of God? Bondage is a lack of freedom in not being able to do what we want or need to do. Sin builds bondage and gives Satan the ability to restrain us. Hurt people hurt people. Healed people heal people. Jesus came to offer freedom. The Jews were in bondage to Rome and Jesus came to bring freedom in the midst of that. Freedom in Christ enables us to live as who we truly are.
Sunday, 14 April 2019
Passage: Acts 20:1-38
Series: Acts
Duration: 31 mins 54 secs
In the final stages of Paul's third missionary journey he took the opportunity to share with the church leaders about the aspects of his ministry, testifying to his past, present and future ministry. The message that Paul shared with others was not his own, but what God wanted him to share. Paul was faithful in doing this no matter what personal attack he faced. As we share the gospel with others we need to strive for the dedication that Paul had in sharing the good news of Jesus.