Sunday, 14 April 2024
Duration: 19 mins 51 secs
In this chapter, we see Jesus reinstate Peter after his denials and commissions him with the task of caring for the sheep (those who believe in Jesus). To achieve this, Peter must do one simple thing, follow Jesus (v.22). This is the same calling that Jesus places upon our lives as well. How are you going at following Jesus in your life?
Sunday, 07 April 2024
Duration: 25 mins 36 secs
At the start of Chapter 20, Jesus has been exercising the disciple's faith, in that He has risen from the grave. Now He wants them to believe that He truly is the Messiah, the Son of God. He does this by coming to them and reassuring them that He is alive and then commissions them to tell the world about the forgiveness that was accomplished by His death on the cross and proven by His resurrection from the grave.
Sunday, 31 March 2024
Duration: 25 mins 35 secs
In this passage, we see different stages of faith the disciples experience as they see the empty tomb. Faith that has been overshadowed by grief, faith that is dawning as they see the body missing and faith that shines brightly as they see the risen Saviour.
Sunday, 24 March 2024
Duration: 26 mins 42 secs
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? It means that you follow Him, it means that you trust Him, it means that you turn back to Him when you have gone astray. Peter experienced all of this as the rooster crowed on that fateful night.
Sunday, 17 March 2024
Duration: 24 mins 28 secs
Jesus wanted the disciples to hear His prayer to God the Father as He prepares to head to the cross. Jesus' prayer is one of encouragement to the disciples as He prepares to leave them. It is also a prayer for future believers that hear the message from the disciples and accept Jesus in their lives. We are believers today because of their messages.
Sunday, 10 March 2024
Duration: 26 mins 29 secs
Jesus knows that His time is running out and His disciples are going to be facing a lot of grief in the coming days, so He prepares and encourages them now. Here in this passage, He reminds them that if they are found in Him they will have peace, no matter what this life may bring.
Sunday, 03 March 2024
Duration: 27 mins 30 secs
In this well-known chapter we see Jesus laying out our responsibility as His followers. It is not about how much we are doing or ministering for God in this world, our main responsibility is to remain in Jesus. Eleven times He tells us to remain in Him and by doing so He is then able to work through us to produce the fruit that He wants to grow.
Sunday, 25 February 2024
In this section we see Jesus promising two gifts for His disciples as He prepares them for His departure. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit and the gift of His peace, which is wrapped up in the love of the Father seen in Jesus. What are we to do to receive these gifts? Trust in Jesus and obey His command of love.
Sunday, 18 February 2024
Duration: 34 mins 42 secs
Jesus' earthly ministry has come to an end, apart from the ultimate ministry in His death and resurrection. There are still things for His disciples to know and learn and so John spends the next 5 chapters recording the words of Jesus to those disciples. Here in Chapter 13 we get not only to hear what Jesus wants us to know, we also see Him living out those words. John 13:15 says, "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you". Let's not just hear the words of Jesus, but put them into practice.
Sunday, 11 February 2024
As Jesus enters Jerusalem we see many people, saying many different things about Him, but Jesus is going to set them straight. His kingdom is not one of power or might, but one of sacrifice and giving His life and He calls His followers to people who live the same way.