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Sunday, 18 February 2024
Series: John
Duration: 34 mins 42 secs
Jesus' earthly ministry has come to an end, apart from the ultimate ministry in His death and resurrection. There are still things for His disciples to know and learn and so John spends the next 5 chapters recording the words of Jesus to those disciples. Here in Chapter 13 we get not only to hear what Jesus wants us to know, we also see Him living out those words. John 13:15 says, "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you". Let's not just hear the words of Jesus, but put them into practice.
Sunday, 11 February 2024
Passage: John 12:12-36
Series: John
Duration: 32 mins 7 secs
As Jesus enters Jerusalem we see many people, saying many different things about Him, but Jesus is going to set them straight. His kingdom is not one of power or might, but one of sacrifice and giving His life and He calls His followers to people who live the same way.
Sunday, 04 February 2024
Passage: John 11:17-44
Series: John
Duration: 32 mins 19 secs
This great chapter is where we see Jesus raise His friend Lazarus from the dead. In so doing, Jesus can not only say that He is "the resurrection and the life" but proves it in a way that cannot be denied. After this, Jesus will set out to Jerusalem where He too will face His own death followed by His resurrection that will usher in a resurrection for all who believe in His name.
Sunday, 28 January 2024
Passage: John 1:35-50
Series: John
Duration: 30 mins 36 secs
As we start looking at the gospel of John we see the invitation given to many people to Come and See who Jesus is. That invitation still stands today, so I invite you as well. Come and See who Jesus is.
Sunday, 21 January 2024
Duration: 22 mins 42 secs
This passage in Matthew shows the compassion, power and love of Jesus. With the death of John the Baptist, Jesus withraws to mourn and shows no anger or hatred. Feeding of the five thousand shows the power of Jesus in creating enough food from 5 small loaves and 2 fish. Walking on the water and calming the seas shows how Jesus is in control of all situations, then and now. Is Jesus in control of your life?
Sunday, 14 January 2024
Duration: 30 mins 19 secs
No one knows what will happen in 2024, but we can be assured that many spiritual battles will take place during this year and God has given us everything we need to stand firm.
Sunday, 07 January 2024
Duration: 29 mins 17 secs
In this passage, Jesus tells His disciples that He will soon be leaving them, but instead, the Holy Spirit will come to teach them and remind them of everything that Jesus had said. As we start a new year, and all the challenges of life that we will face, and because of our hope and faith in Jesus, we can be assured that God will be with us in all of these circumstances.
Sunday, 31 December 2023
Duration: 19 mins 54 secs
As Christians, how do we explain our relationship with God who is everywhere at the same time and who is outside of time? The Bible is the guide for Christians to learn about God and how He sent His Son Jesus to live among us and to sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world. The Bible shows us how we can have a relationship with God and how we should live, serve, love and care for one another.
Monday, 25 December 2023
Passage: Luke 2:21-24
Duration: 16 mins 34 secs
Through this series we have seen Mary submitting, singing, searching and now we see her sacrificing, as Joseph and Mary present Jesus to the Lord and offer a sacrifice. This is a picture of what Jesus came into this world to do, to be our sacrifice for sin.
Sunday, 24 December 2023
Passage: Luke 2:1-20
Duration: 28 mins 2 secs
After Jesus' birth, an angel visited some shepherds to tell them what God had done by sending a Saviour into the world. As they visit Jesus and declare praises to God, we see Mary taking all this in and pondering who Jesus is and what God is doing. What a great example for us to follow!