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Sunday, 21 February 2021
Passage: Mark 4:1-20
Duration: 23 mins 59 secs
The seed represents the word of God and the soil is human hearts. The soil is tilled to prepare it for the seed. We need to cultivate the soil and help prepare people for the gospel. Our goal is to produce fruit. The fruitful heart is called to obedience and discipleship. We need to aim for growth in our spiritual life and for others by living out our faith and seeking opportunities to share our faith.
Sunday, 14 February 2021
Passage: Mark 3:20-29
Duration: 31 mins 16 secs
Jesus' family are concerned that He is out of His mind and His brothers struggled with who He claimed to be. Jesus shows His authority over demons and even the demons proclaim who Jesus is. Satan's building will fall if he is fighting against himself. Jesus has come to tie up Satan and loosen his hold on this world. If people reject Jesus, and remain in that attitude, they are condemned. Our family, friends, neighbours and colleagues still have time to accept Jesus. We need to provide opportunities for them by living for Jesus and speaking out for Him whenever we have opportunity.
Sunday, 07 February 2021
Passage: Mark 2:18-22
Duration: 27 mins 12 secs
Jesus came to usher in the new. New clothes, new wineskins. The Pharisees' old ways were decaying. The world wants us to mix and match and blend all faiths together in one world religion that pleases everyone - but there is only one way - through the name of Jesus. The Pharisees wanted to fit Jesus into their system, but he wouldn't fit. Do we try to fit Jesus into what we believe? Jesus did not make people jump through man-made regulations. God is always working in our world, changing people's hearts and doesn't need our rules. Do we want to make people fit our rules? Are we vessels that can carry God's new wine into this world?
Sunday, 20 December 2020
Duration: 22 mins 44 secs
Jesus' call to Matthew transformed his life. When Jesus went to Matthew's house and shared a meal with him, it was a sign of acceptance of him. Jesus was doing what he came to do - to heal and restore. Jesus healed the lame man on the mat, but first saw to his greatest need as forgiveness of his sins. The Pharisees refused to change their pious, hypocritical ways. Are we just going through the motions through a heart that is hard? Are we trying to make it on our own and earn our way into pleasing God?
Sunday, 06 December 2020
Just as Christ came into our world, we are Christ's ambassadors in this world. We live amongst people, to fellowship with them, work with them and eat with them. Our eyes are to be turned to others as we look to the interests of others. We are to be other-centred and love others as we love ourselves. Our eyes are to be turned to Jesus and our attitude is to be the same as Jesus. Having an attitude of serving brings blessing and glory to God. Are we living for ourselves or others?
Sunday, 29 November 2020
Passage: John 1:1-14
Duration: 22 mins 40 secs
At Christmas time, we usually plan to meet up with those we love. Christmas is about presence, not presents. John starts his gospel with who Jesus truly is - the Word, the Light, Son of God, Lamb of God, the Messiah, the King of Israel, Son of Man. Jesus is God's word revealed to us. At Christmas, God took on human nature. Jesus lived His life revealing God's glory, nature and person. Christ sends us out into the world to reveal Jesus to others and we are His ambassadors. How are we reflecting Christ to others? How do we move into our neighbourhood as witnesses for Jesus?
Sunday, 22 November 2020
Duration: 30 mins 19 secs
Paul refers to himself as abnormally born. He said that he does not deserve to be called an apostle because of his persecution of the church. God has chosen ordinary people to do extra ordinary things for the sake of the gospel. Paul acknowledges that it was by the grace of God that allowd him to be who he was and indicates that the most important information that we can share with others is that Christ died for our sin, was buried and was raised again on the third day. By the grace of God we are who we are but, as Christians, we all have the same message of sharing with others the love of Jesus.
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Duration: 26 mins 51 secs
Giving is an individual matter and is not to be determined by looking at others. There is deliberate choice about deciding to give and it is not to be made reluctantly or under compulsion. God loves a cheerful giver and we need to trust Him in the giving of our money and of our time given to others and to God's work. May our church be the cause of thanksgiving to God and the Emu Plains community recognise EPCBC as a place of generosity as we give God the glory.
Sunday, 11 October 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 21 mins 42 secs
Peter was the Apostle of hope and that is how he finishes his letter, with the hope that the best is yet to come. Jesus wants us to be people who are humble, watchful and hopeful. We need to seek to serve, not gain from others. We need to respect the power of the devil, resist him and stand firm in our faith in Jesus. We have received undeserved grace from God through the sacrifice of Jesus and now have the hope of salvation and eternity in glory with God.
Sunday, 04 October 2020
Passage: 1 Peter 5:1-4
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 30 mins 56 secs
Peter compares the local church to a flock of sheep. The Old Testament shows shepherding through King David. the Jewish leaders were criticised for not shepherding, not caring for God's people. Jesus entrusted Peter with the role of caring for his people by being a fisher of people, but also shepherding them too. We are all to be caring and serving, watching out for each other. We are to use our gifts to serve the church and not ourselves. We are to build each other up and not exploit the church for our own gain, money, power or respect. We are to serve the church for God's glory.