Sunday, 20 June 2021
Duration: 24 mins 25 secs
Prayer is often thought of as formal, serious and academic, but Paul says, "Pray without ceasing". Depression, trauma or loneliness may cause us to lose hope. God is no less present in those moments. Prayer walks us through seasons of pain, sorrow, joy. Prayer is not part of the Christian life, it is the Christian life. Listen to God whisper into your heart and lift your eyes and hearts to God in moments of joy and sorrow.
Sunday, 19 April 2020
Duration: 22 mins 19 secs
Three ways to walk in peace: 1. Relationally, which starts at home; 2. Spiritually, by spending time in the Word and with God and by being a people of peace showing gentleness and self control towards others, and 3. Generously. This chapter in Philippians is an encouragement for us to be generous in the way we live our life, generous with our time, generous with our kindness and love. Being generous also helps the giver.