Ian Harrison

Ian Harrison


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Sunday, 09 February 2020
Duration: 36 mins 18 secs
Jesus told the religious leaders and the listening crowds what the leaders were really like. They sat in the seat of Moses, enjoying prestige and privilege, while condemning people to hell through their hypocrisy and arrogance. He blamed them for the lost and misguided people of Israel, and laid the blood of the prophets squarely at their feet. Jesus wants us to bless others through demonstrating His love, grace, forgiveness and freedom. We need to live through God's Holy Spirit, carry the gospel, build His church and be a living sacrifice pleasing to our victorious Lord.
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 29 mins 45 secs
What is special about the grace that Paul received? He received the Gospel of Grace through a real life encounter with Jesus. We too can receive this same grace as we recognise our needs and call Jesus into our lives. Paul's persecution of Christians was turned around after his encounter with God. No matter what we have done in our lives, Jesus wants us to have a relationship with Him.
Sunday, 14 January 2018
Passage: 1 John 4:7-17
Duration: 28 mins 24 secs
Love for God is love from God for others - real love from God; born of knowing God; distortion of our sinful minds. Love from God is love in Jesus given to us - the life and death of Jesus is our example of living love. Love in Jesus is given to us to prove God’s love - the Spirit of Jesus given to us to prove and improve our love. Living Jesus is living God’s love - becoming more like Jesus is the completion of love.
Sunday, 27 August 2017
Duration: 49 mins 9 secs
As Christians, we need to be true to God's Word, devote ourselves to Christ and teach what we have learned about Christ with others so that they may fix their hope in God. We need to allow Jesus Christ's Spirit to teach us responsive relationship, responsive support and to learn how to teach others.
Sunday, 21 May 2017
Passage: Luke 15:11-32
Series: Transformed
Duration: 48 mins 46 secs
Spiritual health is something we can only achieve through Jesus Christ. We are spiritual beings created by God and we belong to Him. Like the young man in this passage, at times in our life, we demand our rights to choose by ourselves and leave God out of our choices. In doing so, we get further from God and the weaker our spirit becomes. It is at these times we need to come to our senses. If we keep hiding, God will not bother us. If we repent and turn back towards Him, He knows where to find us and He sees us coming. Our Father's love and compassion is immediately available.
Sunday, 02 April 2017
Duration: 36 mins 43 secs
In the passage today, the crowds were gathering in Jerusalem for the Passover celebration. Jesus prepared and entered Jerusalem to the praise of a large amount of people. Do we acknowledge and praise Jesus as He becomes a part of our lives on a daily basis? To other people in Jerusalem, Jesus' entry was a disruption from their normal way of life. Does our own way of life reflect what God wants, or do we find Jesus a distraction? We need to allow Jesus to be a part of all aspects of our lives.
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Duration: 27 mins 11 secs
In this passage the writer of Hebrews contrasts the way sin was atoned for in the earthly tabernacle with the heavenly tabernacle established through the shedding of Jesus' blood. We see that our reconnection with God is made in the person of Jesus, being both fully man and fully God, rather than through the high priest offering sacrifices on our behalf. We learn that in this Jesus has brought the holiness of God to His people, and that instead of being an annual sacrement, it lasts forever.
Sunday, 10 January 2016
Duration: 20 mins 3 secs
The message for us in this Psalm is that any of us, at anytime, can sin. Even David, appointed by God, took advantage of his position as king and treats God with utter contempt when he sins against Him. David allowed himself to be controlled by his earthly desires and not the will of God. David lived under the the old covenant with God. We now live under the new covenant and our sins have been cleaned because of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ did on the cross. When we accept Jesus to be a part of our life, then it is Him that makes us pure through the Holy Spirit that dwells within us and allows us to be a living example to others around us.
Sunday, 08 February 2015
Duration: 30 mins 45 secs
As Christians, when we made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ, we made the decision to change our worldly ways and live a life worthy in God's eyes. In this passage Paul tells the Ephesians to avoid the worldly ways they have been used to and encourages them in how they should now live. In our Christian lives today we need to allow the Holy Spirit to have access to all of our life. In this way our life will reflect to others the difference God can make by having Him dwell within us. The challenge for us today is the same as it was for the Ephesians. We need to say things that are helpful in building one another up, be kind, compassionate and forgiving of each other. What choice of living will you make - submitting to self or submitting to Jesus Christ?
Sunday, 08 June 2014
Duration: 29 mins 20 secs
Nabal, a Calebite, was very wealthy but was a man who was very mean in his dealings. His wife Abigail was in complete contrast to Nabal. She was an intelligent woman who was approachable, understanding and quick thinking. This was shown when one of the servants tells Abigail what Nabal has done to offend David. Her response was immediate and deliberate in making amends for Nabal's mistake. In Abigail's meeting with David she shows that she is wise and God fearing. In her speech to David she highlights key attributes of God that are critical to David's well being, as well as our own, in that God provides the direction, protection, correction and completion in our lives. Abigail shows true servanthood, even when David invites her to become his wife after the death of Nabal. Abigail was willing to do what was required of her by God. God invites us to one His servants. Are we willing to do what He requires of us?