Follow the King

Follow the King

Feb 2017 - Apr 2017
Sermons in this series
Sunday, 16 April 2017
Duration: 25 mins 26 secs
The king is dead - long live the king. This has been the call through the ages as a monarch has died and a new king is put in place. When Jesus died on the cross, some said that the King was dead, but Jesus overcame death and is risen - long live the King! The women that came to the tomb were looking for a dead Jesus, but He was not there. Today, we need to be seeking an alive Jesus - the risen Lord and Saviour! Do you have a relationship with Jesus?
Sunday, 09 April 2017
Duration: 46 mins 15 secs
The last days of Jesus' ministry on earth was spent telling people to be ready for His return. Jesus used the two parable examples in today's passage to illustrate this. We are to ready at any time for Jesus's return because no one knows when that day will be. Jesus went on to say that when He comes that people will be put into two groups - those that will inherit eternal life with Him and those who will condemned to eternal damnation. We are given free will wether or not to put our faith and trust in Jesus. Are you ready now for Jesus to come?
Sunday, 02 April 2017
Duration: 36 mins 43 secs
In the passage today, the crowds were gathering in Jerusalem for the Passover celebration. Jesus prepared and entered Jerusalem to the praise of a large amount of people. Do we acknowledge and praise Jesus as He becomes a part of our lives on a daily basis? To other people in Jerusalem, Jesus' entry was a disruption from their normal way of life. Does our own way of life reflect what God wants, or do we find Jesus a distraction? We need to allow Jesus to be a part of all aspects of our lives.
Sunday, 26 March 2017
Duration: 33 mins 4 secs
In some parts of the world today, we do see the importance of children - those who are used as child labour. This is a far cry from what we see in this passage where Jesus points out the importance of children, not only for those who are children, but how we are to act if we wnat to follow Jesus. What do we need to do to enter the Kingdom of God? The rich man found that it was not his outward actions that would get him to heaven - in the end it would be his own desires that would make him fail before God. We can't make it to heaven by ourselves. We need to follow Jesus and surrender our life to Him.
Sunday, 19 March 2017
Duration: 23 mins 10 secs
The disciples left everything to follow Jesus and saw amazing miracles performed by Him. The transfiguration seemed to be a good place to finish Jesus' ministry - but there was more for Jesus and the disciples to do. For Jesus it was the cross, for the disciples it was to continue to keep focusing on Jesus and spread the good news about Him, but when it came to the demon possessed boy, the disciples could not drive the demon out. They had begun to trust in themselves and rely on their own strength. How often do we first rely on our own strength when facing life's trials? Our focus and trust should be on Jesus and rely on His strength in the first instance.
Sunday, 12 March 2017
Duration: 31 mins 19 secs
In this passage, Jesus asks His disciples who they thought He was. Is this still a relevant question for today? Absolutely! It is not about what other people say, it is about who we say Jesus is. We can have the head knowledge to know who Jesus is, but do we have the heart to follow Him in all of life's circumstances we face. We need to deny ourselves and align our lives with Jesus Christ.
Sunday, 05 March 2017
Duration: 37 mins 38 secs
Jesus taught in parables so that those who believed in Him could understand the Kingdom of Heaven. Those whi did not believe would not understand. The parable of the sower is not about the amount of seed that was scattered, but where it landed. The entry point for becoming a Christian is to hear the good news about Jesus Christ. As God's kingdom grows in this world there will be opposition. Despite Satan's influence, God's ultimate plan for this world will not fail - the division of true believers from those who do not believe. What is it in your life that stops you from fixing your eye on Jesus?
Sunday, 26 February 2017
The Pharisees request Jesus to show a miraculous sign to prove that He was the Messiah. Jesus in turn elects to challenge there own believe and faith by aligning the story of Jonah with his own death and resurrection. The Pharisees had the opportunity to receive Jesus as their Saviour, but they choose to reject Him. Today we have the same opportunity to believe in Jesus, accept Him and put our full trust in Him. Do you have your life focussed on Jesus?
Sunday, 19 February 2017
Duration: 34 mins 55 secs
In this passage we see the heart Jesus' ministry and the extent of Jesus' authority - the authority to forgive sins and heal the sick. True discipleship requires leaving our old life behind and to enter into a new life with Jesus. We all sin and so we all need Jesus. From this passage, who do you align with - Matthew or the Pharisees? In this passage we see the heart Jesus' ministry and the extent of Jesus' authority - the authority to forgive sins and heal the sick. True discipleship requires leaving our old life behind and to enter into a new life with Jesus. We all sin and so we all need Jesus. From this passage, who do you align with - Matthew or the Pharisees?
Sunday, 12 February 2017
Duration: 25 mins 20 secs
Jesus wants to be our heart's desire. Where do you store your treasure? Jesus tells us that storing up treasures on earth will enslave our heart, mind and will and miss out on the opportunities that Jesus has planned for us. If we seek material things, we stumble in darkness. Our treasures ought to be used for God's glory.