Sunday, 24 September 2017
In this passage, Paul tells Timothy to fight the good fight of faith - something we still need to do ourselves today. As Christians, we face all types of life battles and Paul's recommendation is to flee from all things evil. We can't fight the battles we face in our own strength and so we need to flee into the arms of God and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness as we serve Jesus Christ.
Sunday, 17 September 2017
Duration: 38 mins 35 secs
In this passage, Paul raises an issue that is still very relevant for us today - the love of money and materialism. We live very comfortably compared to many others. We need to open our eyes to the urgent spiritual and physical needs of so many people in our world. We also need to be content with what God has provided for us and not be proud of our wealth and crave for more. Money is not to be our master. There is only one Master that gets us into heaven, and that is Jesus Christ.
Sunday, 03 September 2017
Duration: 37 mins 53 secs
As a church it is a good thing when the leadership work together in harmony and love. Conversely, it is tragic when the opposite is true. Timothy appeared to be having some problems with the elders of the church at Ephesus. He was a young man and still had much to learn. Ephesus was not an easy place to minister. Only God knows the hearts of everyone. No pastor or church member is perfect, but that should not hinder us from striving for perfection. The ministry of a local church rises and falls with its leadership. Godly leadership means God’s blessing, and that is what we want and need.
Sunday, 27 August 2017
As Christians, we need to be true to God's Word, devote ourselves to Christ and teach what we have learned about Christ with others so that they may fix their hope in God. We need to allow Jesus Christ's Spirit to teach us responsive relationship, responsive support and to learn how to teach others.
Sunday, 20 August 2017
Duration: 31 mins 48 secs
Paul is speaking directly to Timothy in this passage, that is of benefit to us all. We need to be prepared in our own lives for Jesus' return. We need to be on guard to false teaching, identified by people's actions in the way that they live and the way that they act. Our responsibility is to be nourished in God's Word so that we can continue to grow in our Christian walk, live out our faith and use our spiritual gifts to build up the church so that we can minister to this world.
Sunday, 13 August 2017
Duration: 34 mins 40 secs
In this passage, Paul list the attributes required of leaders in the church. Leaders must lead under the authority of Jesus Christ and are accountable to Him. Leaders need to be in the right relationship with Jesus and care for the people. Leaders need to know the words of Jesus and live as a good example to others. Paul is not saying that leaders need to be perfect, but they must be disciplined in their life and have the respect of others. Whilst this passage is directed to church leaders, the same applies to all Christians and we need to aspire to the way God wants us to live.
Sunday, 06 August 2017
Duration: 29 mins 50 secs
Paul indicates in this passage that all petitions, prayers, intercession and thankgiving to God is for all people, which is pleasing to Him because He wants everyone to be saved. All authority for the church is from Jesus Christ, who is the head of the church. We need to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ so that everyone has the opportunity to be saved.
Sunday, 30 July 2017
Duration: 29 mins 50 secs
Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners. He came to live the life we could not live, He came to die the death that we deserve and He came to gain the victory that we could never gain. Paul highlights in this passage that he was the worst of sinners and yet God had mercy on him and changed the direction of his life. The Good News for everyone in this world is that God can step in and change us if we are willing to accept what He has to offer - eternal life with Him.
Sunday, 23 July 2017
Duration: 36 mins 48 secs
The people in Ephesus were being led away from the true teachings of Jesus by those who were formulating different doctrines and teaching and promoting meangingless discussions. Paul writes to Timothy and urges him to redirect the thinking of the people of Ephesus back to the truth of the Gospel, the Good News that had been entrusted to him. In the same way, we have also been entrusted with the Good News of Jesus and we need to pass this on to others. From verse 5, the goal of the Good News of Jesus is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.