Sunday, 29 November 2015


Before the work began on rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah inspired the people, he assured them that it was God who was at work, when the people were afraid he prayed that God would strengthen them, when they were threatened Nehemiah stood his ground. The building of the walls are complete and the gates are fixed in place. Nehemiah appointed two men to assist him in now leading to protect the people. These men were chosen for their integrity and for their fear of God. They were men who wanted to put God first. Other people were appointed as gatekeepers and guards to watch and protect the people from intruders. The message for us as Christians today is, that if we don't protect what God has accomplished in our life, then the enemy will come in and take it over. If we truly fear God then we will be faithful to the work he has called us to.
Duration:29 mins 49 secs