Sunday, 01 May 2011
Duration: 25 mins 39 secs
The proof of a powerful product is in the change it effects. The disciples were cowering behind locked doors until the Spirit filled them and gave them the power to preach and live out a message that changed the world. The Holy Spirit has continued to work since Pentecost in significant waves of spiritual renewal. We have the same Spirit as Peter, that enables us to live consistently and share with others about Jesus. After 2 000 years the task of world evangelisation is not completed. What shall we do? If we're disobedient, God's plan stands but we will miss out. Are we content to be the 'before' photo of world mission, consumed with lesser gods? Preaching the Good News to all the world is down to us. Is it a gripping priority in our lives to complete the task so we can see Christ return?