Rev Dr Ian Duncum

Rev Dr Ian Duncum

Role: Intentional Interim Pastor


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Sunday, 08 April 2012
Passage: John 20:1-23
Duration: 31 mins 7 secs
Easter is our celebration of sure, lasting hope, that as Jesus came to Mary in a bleak and hopeless situation, so He comes to us - in a personal way and speaks our name. There are three aspects of hope: hope of forgiveness, hope of growth and hope of resurrection. Jesus makes all these possible.
Sunday, 01 April 2012
Passage: Luke 19:28-44
Duration: 30 mins 1 sec
Jesus didn’t fit preconceived expectations. He spoke of heaven and God’s kingdom, but the disciples heard only God’s people Israel. The Pharisees heard Jesus’ every claim as blasphemy because they saw only His questionable origins and the people wanted a military king. Jesus confounds our wrong expectations of Him also. We miss out on all God has for us when we put Jesus in a box or see Him as punitive or make our own plans expecting Him to bless them. Are our expectations of Jesus too small? Do we recognise when He comes to us wanting to do a new thing? He wants to use us to bring the kingdom of peace into the world.
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Passage: Daniel 6:3-28
Duration: 33 mins 59 secs
The lion’s den is not a one off event, but the culmination of a life of obedience to God. What character qualities and consistencies can we learn from Daniel? - Exhibit excellence in every environment - Insist on integrity at all times - Devote yourself to spiritual discipline - Turn to your track record of trust in God These are some of the things it takes to be used by God. But when we slip up, God wants to remind us that He’s on our side and wants to make us into a person with qualities like Daniel so we can seize those divine moments today and into the future.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Passage: 1 Samuel 20
Duration: 28 mins 44 secs
It is a risk to be authentic and real, but otherwise we have to settle for superficial relationships. Jonathan shows what good friends looks like. They are loyal, they love, they’re honest and they share faith. At the centre of our lives we need spiritual encouragement that can only come from a trusted friend who accepts us, sticks by us but challenges us. Even then our best friends can let us down, but we have Jesus, who will never let us down. We know how much He loves us because He gave up everything for us. We can’t leave love like that on the table. We must respond to it.
Sunday, 04 March 2012
Passage: Esther 4:9-16
Duration: 33 mins 52 secs
Like Esther, God has a purpose for each one of us. We are here by God’s appointment, in His keeping, under His training for His time (Andrew Murray). But 'hero moments' don’t announce themselves, rather we have to be alert and faithful in the small things so we don’t miss the opportunity. Also, like Esther, we enjoy privileges and have opportunity to speak up for those who are voiceless. Perhaps there is only one person’s voice lacking for justice to come into the world - yours! Finally, we must put our trust in God. To act without relying on God cannot achieve success. Esther said “Yes” to God and changed the course of a nation. God invites us to do the same. One person can make a difference.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Passage: Hebrews 11
Duration: 37 mins 39 secs
Like Abraham, as Christians we’re aliens with different values and a different allegiance. We can decide to have as little to do with the world as possible, but therefore have no impact, or become so much part of it that there’s little to distinguish us. Abraham had an impact because he said, “Yes” to God. We’re on a mission to live for Him and show others what He’s like. As individuals and as a church God is looking for us to draw others into our remarkable counter-cultural life. God is inviting us on an adventure to make a difference for Him and He gives us all the power and resources we need. Be a person who says, “Yes” to God.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Passage: Psalms 23
Duration: 21 mins 40 secs
There is much to fear in the world, but “Here is God” sums up Psalm 23. The psalm expresses a trusting relationship with God from the perspective of a sheep’s helplessness and need. David knew God as his Shepherd and expresses a reliance on a God who had been faithful in the past and will be into the future. Our society promotes discontentment, but the Shepherd provides all we need and shows us how to make the right choices. Even in the deepest shadow He protects us and promises we’ll never be alone. God gives us every blessing and is totally committed to us.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Passage: Psalms 6
Duration: 26 mins 42 secs
The task of prayer is to bring everything we are and feel before God. Raw emotions are the language of prayer. Psalm 6 is not pretty, but it is real and that is what God delights in. The psalmist asks God why? What will happen to me? When will I be rescued? But he comes to rejoice in a prayer-answering God. A casual faith cannot sustain us in difficult times. Real faith is sustained and grown through prayer.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Passage: Acts 8:26-40
Duration: 33 mins 18 secs
This message is the last in the “What’s Your One Step?” series and focuses on “share”. Would you be like John Harper who was more concerned for the unsaved than himself when the Titanic sank? Every-day we get to make that same choice. Fear of rejection is often the reason we don’t share the gospel, but God wants to lead us to people He has already prepared by His Spirit. Effective sharing involves listening to God’s leading, obeying, observing, being ready to grab every chance and having our response ready.
Sunday, 07 August 2011
Passage: Luke 4:16-22
Duration: 25 mins 55 secs
We are called to demonstrate God’s love through practical action. God has a mission to find lost and hurting people and He invites us to participate in that mission. An important, yet sometimes unrecognised, aspect of evangelism is caring for others. How can we care for others? (a) Be on the look out for needs we can fill; (b) Ask about their story and listen; (c) Share your humanity; (d) Listen and co-operate with the Holy Spirit; (d) “Love them until they ask you, “Why?”