Phil Irvine

Phil Irvine

Role: Pastor

Hi my name is Phil Irvine and I’m the Pastor at Emu Plains Community Baptist Church. My family and I moved all the way from the Blue Mountains and to live in the community here in Emu Plains. Jesus said “I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.” Sometimes we find that our lives are so full with things to do, but we don’t seem to be fulfilled. I enjoy running, spending time with my family, playing Xbox and a good coffee. But what fills my life is Jesus. If you are wanting your life full, the best it can be, why not check out Jesus and take him up on this promise?

Latest sermons by
Sunday, 09 July 2017
Series: Transformed
Duration: 29 mins 26 secs
We can be living comfortably and feel we have control of our life. We can assume that we don't need God in all parts of our life. Our life should reflect that of Jesus. Are we going to align ourselves each day with what we want or with what God wants? Nehemiah had a good job and lived comfortably, but then he received news about Jerusalem being in ruins. Nehemiah had a choice to remain in his comfortable lifestyle or to act on the information he had received. God speaks to us and challenges us. We need to decide if we are going to obey God or stay as we are. The transformation in our life requires God's Spirit. We can't do it by ourselves.
Sunday, 02 July 2017
Series: Transformed
Duration: 36 mins 2 secs
Why do you work? If work does not have a purpose then it becomes a drain on your life. Jesus' ministry, whilst He was on earth, was all about the Kingdom of God. As Christians, God's calling in our lives is all about glorifying God. We need to take the opportunity of marrying together both our job and God's calling for us. We are ambassadors for God and we need to direct others, when opportunities arise, to the Kingdom of God.
Sunday, 18 June 2017
Series: Transformed
Duration: 38 mins 29 secs
In this passage we see the first perfect relationship and partnership between Adam and Eve. Through Satan's deception, we also see the first breakdown in the relationship. Fear was introduced to Adam and Eve. Fear can destroy relationships in various ways; (a) through fear of exposure of who we really are, (b) fear of disappointment that makes us defensive and (c) fear of losing control. God does not expect us to be perfect, but He does expect us to be honest with ourselves and each other. Adam and Eve lived in co-operation, but after sinning, lived in competition. To overcome fear in relationships, or any aspect of our life, we need to experience God's love and surrender our life to Him. We need to remember that God accepts, loves, forgives and values us.
Sunday, 04 June 2017
Series: Transformed
Duration: 33 mins 59 secs
God is far more interested in the way you think rather than changing your circumstances. We want God to take away our pain, sickness and difficulties in life. No transformation can happen in our life unless our mind is in the right place. Our thoughts control our life. Our mind is a battlefield for sin. Temptation can be a problem for us if it is in our mind in the first place. Whatever gets our attention, gets us. We need to let the Spirit control our mind, and for it to remain healthy, we need to feed it with truth, free it from destructive thoughts and focus our minds on the right things - Jesus, others and eternity.
Sunday, 28 May 2017
Passage: Psalms 23:1-6
Series: Transformed
Duration: 44 mins 41 secs
We can find ourselves in stressful situations as we need to make choices and as life rushes us by. If we place our future hope in this world, we will ultimately be disappointed. We need to look to God to meet all of our needs. We need to take the time to rest and recharge our soul. Indecision can cause us stress - we need to ask God for guidance and wisdom in all that we do. We will face times of loss - we need to grieve but not be afraid because God is with us through these tough times. Whatever we face in our life, God is our defender and He will support and direct us if we continue to follow and trust in Him.
Sunday, 14 May 2017
Series: Transformed
Duration: 37 mins 32 secs
Goal setting is an important aspect we should have in our life. For Christians, goal setting is a spiritual responsibility and allows us to put our faith into action. Goals keep us focussed on what is really important in our life. God is more interested in who we are and who we become rather than what we accomplish. We will never be a person of God unless we are prepared and are willing to be a person God. Our goals should honour God, be motivated by love and be dependant on Him.
Sunday, 23 April 2017
Passage: John 4:1-9
Duration: 27 mins 24 secs
In earlier chapters of John we see Jesus immersed in His own Jewish culture and ministering to His own people. In this fourth chapter of John, Jesus heads north to Galilee, crossing over different cultural backgrounds of the Samaritans and Gentiles, highlighted when Jesus meets the Samaritan women at the well. Although Jesus was tired and weary, He is ready for any encounter. Are we ready for any encounter that God may have us face? As Christians, we are called to be on mission and we need to be ready to allow God to lead us in being faithful ambassadors for Him in this world.
Sunday, 16 April 2017
Duration: 25 mins 26 secs
The king is dead - long live the king. This has been the call through the ages as a monarch has died and a new king is put in place. When Jesus died on the cross, some said that the King was dead, but Jesus overcame death and is risen - long live the King! The women that came to the tomb were looking for a dead Jesus, but He was not there. Today, we need to be seeking an alive Jesus - the risen Lord and Saviour! Do you have a relationship with Jesus?
Sunday, 26 March 2017
Duration: 33 mins 4 secs
In some parts of the world today, we do see the importance of children - those who are used as child labour. This is a far cry from what we see in this passage where Jesus points out the importance of children, not only for those who are children, but how we are to act if we wnat to follow Jesus. What do we need to do to enter the Kingdom of God? The rich man found that it was not his outward actions that would get him to heaven - in the end it would be his own desires that would make him fail before God. We can't make it to heaven by ourselves. We need to follow Jesus and surrender our life to Him.
Sunday, 19 March 2017
Duration: 23 mins 10 secs
The disciples left everything to follow Jesus and saw amazing miracles performed by Him. The transfiguration seemed to be a good place to finish Jesus' ministry - but there was more for Jesus and the disciples to do. For Jesus it was the cross, for the disciples it was to continue to keep focusing on Jesus and spread the good news about Him, but when it came to the demon possessed boy, the disciples could not drive the demon out. They had begun to trust in themselves and rely on their own strength. How often do we first rely on our own strength when facing life's trials? Our focus and trust should be on Jesus and rely on His strength in the first instance.