Sunday, 26 January 2020
Forgiveness is the foundation of our faith, of healthy relationships, and of a healthy us. Forgiveness and mercy are there because we are a new creation. Don’t count how many times to forgive - how can we not forgive? Forgiveness disrupts our spiritual death, and disrupts the death of earthly relationships. Sometimes the person we need to forgive is ourself.
Sunday, 02 September 2018
Duration: 35 mins 42 secs
Sometimes those closest to us can be the most difficult people to love. The more we know someone, the more vulnerable we are and more likely to both cause and feel hurt. Today's message looks to the way Jesus responded to the failings of His friends (the disciples) to give us practical ways we can love those who are close. After all, "we love because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19).