Sunday, 12 January 2025
Duration: 13 mins 38 secs
God gives us joy and peace, but not humility. He does give us plenty of opportunities to practice humility and it is a choice we need to make ourselves, with God's help. How do we get humility? By imitating Jesus in everything we do.
Sunday, 15 December 2024
Duration: 16 mins 17 secs
In this passage we see the birth of Jesus foretold who would be called the Prince of Peace. We do not earn or get peace in our own strength, but God gives Himself to us, when we acccept Him, and He is peace. Peace is knowing that you can stand before God and not face His eternal judgement.
Sunday, 07 July 2024
Duration: 15 mins 26 secs
In this chapter, Paul talks about the importance of grace in our lives. In verse 6, he says "if we are accepted by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace." We need to consider the ways that God has shown His grace to us in the past and then commit ourselves to continue to be supported by Jesus (v.18) in living out our Christian faith.
Sunday, 14 April 2024
Duration: 19 mins 51 secs
In this chapter, we see Jesus reinstate Peter after his denials and commissions him with the task of caring for the sheep (those who believe in Jesus). To achieve this, Peter must do one simple thing, follow Jesus (v.22). This is the same calling that Jesus places upon our lives as well. How are you going at following Jesus in your life?
Sunday, 31 December 2023
Duration: 19 mins 54 secs
As Christians, how do we explain our relationship with God who is everywhere at the same time and who is outside of time? The Bible is the guide for Christians to learn about God and how He sent His Son Jesus to live among us and to sacrifice Himself for the sins of the world. The Bible shows us how we can have a relationship with God and how we should live, serve, love and care for one another.
Sunday, 07 May 2023
Duration: 19 mins 14 secs
We can see troubles that were happening in the early churches of the New Testament. Over the centuries, things did not change much in the church with rules, regulations and self interests dominating, when what should have been shown was love to others. Today, when facing issues in the church, we need to determine what God wants. We need to show love to others by what we do - love in action! How will you react when faced with a difficult situation?
Sunday, 20 February 2022
Duration: 25 mins 45 secs
Through this message Jesus teaches that we can either fulfil or fail in our role as His ambassadors in the transformation of this world. In our response to Christ’s teaching we need to avoid blending in with our environment so as not to standout and be noticed. As Christians, we can slowly adopt worldly ways of thinking and acting until we lose our Christ-like distinctiveness. Or we can spend so much time talking about the world, as if it were our mortal enemy, that we can forget that God so loved the people of this world that he sent his only Son to die for us.
Sunday, 24 April 2016
Duration: 38 mins 19 secs
Moses' start in life was a miracle in itself - saved as a baby and then raised up in Pharaoh's household. When God confronts Moses 'in the burning bush' to tell him of His plan for rescuing the Israelites from the Egyptians, Moses comes up with excuses as to why he should not be chosen to do the task. Whatever God's plan is for you, He will equip you for the task. Your abilities and skills will not be enough. You need to practice the gifts God has given you, step out in faith and learn on the journey as you move towards the plan He has given you. God wants your character to line up with His character.
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Duration: 19 mins 22 secs
Everyone of us at some time has given in to temptation. When Jesus was here on earth one of the things He did continuously was to get the people listening to Him to understand that giving in to temptation is more than doing or not doing, but is a state of being. In this passage we can see some of the ramifications that people faced after falling to temptation. Obvious temptation that we know is wrong can be easy to avoid, but the world can provide more subtle temptations. We need to be faithful to God and allow Him to work in our lives. We are told that will not be tempted beyond what we can bear. Only through Jesus will we be able to overcome any temptation that causes us to stumble in our Christian walk with Him.
Sunday, 04 May 2014
Duration: 11 mins 10 secs
It is right to feel the tragedy and loss of the actions of Eve and her husband Adam when they gave into temptation and took of the fruit they were told not to take. How can we judge, after all they were only human, and we too have become victims of temptation of our own doing. Would we have done anything different if we had been there in the beginning? Eve had the perfect life before giving into temptation. We can only imagine how bad she must have felt when she realised what she had done to displease God. When it comes to us focussing on the Kingdom of God, we are not called to be tourists, but we are to seek permanent residency there. In order for this to happen we may need to make some changes in our life. Unlike Eve, we come from an imperfect beginning, but we can be made perfect in Jesus.