Sunday, 01 April 2018
Duration: 26 mins 25 secs
Forgiveness is at the heart of Easter. It has been extended to us by God and we must extend forgiveness to others. Forgiveness is a life choice - a daily practice we should always strive to do, despite the circumstances we face. In today's passage, Jesus shows us, through the parable, the circumstances that we face if we do not forgive. Are we any different to the unforgiving servant? Jesus' death on the cross wiped away an impossible debt of sin for us that we could never repay. A new life can be obtained by everyone who accepts Jesus' death and resurrection for themselves.
Sunday, 25 March 2018
In our society, we value people who show humility. We tend not to like the actions of those people who deliberately raise themselves at the expense of others. Jesus came to earth to show us how to live and He put into practice His own teachings. Jesus showed true servant leadsership. We are to show humility and value others more than ourselves. Our mindset is to be like that of the attitude of Jesus.
Sunday, 18 March 2018
Duration: 27 mins 43 secs
There would be very little places in our world today where care is not needed. Jesus showed great care for others in His time on earth, healing those who were rich, poor and outcasts. He showed compassion to all people, even those who apposed Him. Ultimately, God allowed Jesus to sacrifice Himself for the sin of all mankind because of His great love and care for us all. We need to care for all people and live as an ambassador of Jesus.
Sunday, 11 March 2018
The world is full of broken relationships, between each other and between us and God. God has a passionate heart for this world and sent Jesus to teach and care for all people, whatever their standing within society. Jesus treated all people with respect and invited them to Himself. God calls us, as Christians, to care and support those people who are in need and to show the love of Jesus to others.
Sunday, 04 March 2018
Duration: 22 mins 33 secs
We are all called to treat everyone as equals. This has not been always the case in world history, particulary in relation to slavery, and is still true today. Jesus came into this world and treated all people with equal dignity. All humanity is made in the image of God. At the core of our Christian belief, everyone is equal. This is sometimes not easy to accept when we see the actions of others, but we need to be accepting of everyone because they matter to God. We all have value and worth because of what Jesus did for us all.
Sunday, 25 February 2018
Duration: 31 mins 47 secs
From a world view survey, Jesus tops the list as the most influential person in history. Some think Jesus was a mythical figure but there is enough historical evidence to prove that Jesus was a real person. We know about Jesus from those who wanted to write His story, from those who followed Him and suffered and gave up their lives for what they believed. The reality is that Jesus changed the lives of people, one at a time, and He continues to do this today.