In this passage Peter shares with the people that it was they who had crucified Jesus, both Lord and Messiah - the person thay had been waiting for. The people showed remorse and were sorry for what they had done, but Peter told them they also needed to repent and be baptised. We too can be sorry and show remorse for the wrong things we have done, but it is important to also show repentance - a commitment to do whatever it takes to turn our lives around from the wrong way we are heading. The good news Peter shared, and is still true for us today, is that by repenting and making a commitment to Jesus, our sins are forgiven. The great news is that we also receive all the blessings from God and know that He sees each of us as a reflection of Jesus! We know we can't earn God's love but it is also true that no matter how many times we think we have failed God, we never lose His love.
Duration:37 mins 11 secs