The two disciples travelling on the road to Emmaus appeared discouraged because God had not done what they wanted Him to do - they had hoped that Jesus was the one who was going to redeem Israel. They could not reconcile what had happened over the past few days. They saw the glory of the Kingdom but failed to see the suffering of the King. There was proof that Jesus was alive, but they were not able to see it. Even when Jesus came along side them on the road they did not recognise Him and it was only after He shared a meal with Him that there eyes were open to see Jesus. The words Jesus had spoken to them on the road made their hearts burn. When was the last time that the Word of God burned in your heart? If we are to experience Jesus then we need to spend time with Him. We need to witness to others the great news that Jesus is not dead, but alive for us all. The disciples saw Jesus in their ordinary day life. We need to see Jesus in the same way.
Duration:24 mins 53 secs