Sunday, 15 December 2013

Mary's Song

"My soul glorfies the Lord and my spirit rejoices on God my Saviour". This is Mary's words as she reflects on the news from the angel Gabriel that she will give birth to the Son of God. Are these words true for you? When God comes into your life, things change, and not always in the way we expect. When Gabriel visits Mary, she does not know her own outcome, but she remembers what God has done in the past and what that shows about Him, that she can believe for herself. Mary is full of confidence because she has a relationship with God in whom she can trust. As Christians, we too can have this confidence of God's ultimate control over the events in our lives if we allow His presence to be the main focus. We need to magnify God and put the focus on Him rather than ourselves.
Duration:30 mins 2 secs