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Sunday, 10 April 2011
Passage: Exodus 5
Duration: 27 mins 4 secs
Sunday, 03 April 2011
Duration: 28 mins 22 secs
God's gift of hope is for our past, present and future. Hope for our past - the burden of guilt is lifted and we are given the ultimate second chance with new life through Christ. Hope for our present - He enables us to live free from the things that bind us. Hope for our future - He has given us the church to help us all move forward into the freedom Jesus has secured for us. Unity is an outworking of our hope for the future. EPCBC doesn’t exist to meet our needs, but for the 8 000 people in Emu Plains facing a Godless eternity. Our lives must be marked by a relentless concern for God’s kingdom. We’re to bring heaven to earth in our faith sharing, unity and obedience.