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Sunday, 10 July 2016
Duration: 44 mins 34 secs
Leading up to this passage we see how the disciples have been right amongst the miracles of Jesus and this passage is no exception - they saw God on the move. Today we can bare testimony to God being on the move in our own lives, but there are times when God challenges us to do more and step out in faith for Him. Without an understanding of the revelation of where God is taking us, we will just do our own thing because we feel we should have faith in our life. We need to learn to discern Jesus, ask Him for permission to call us into something and then take the step of faith (Collect, Clarify, Commit and Correct the revelation).
Sunday, 03 July 2016
Duration: 26 mins 57 secs
This passage encourages us not to fall short of the rest we have in God and the promise of the good news and hope we have in Jesus. God's rest is not found in this world, but it it found in God's word. We need to make every effort to obey and hold firmly to our faith in Jesus. We can approach God with confidence because of the faith and trust we have in Jesus. Is there an area in your life that you have not handed over to Jesus that does not allow you to approach God with confidence?
Sunday, 26 June 2016
Duration: 45 mins 25 secs
The writer of Hebrews in this passage is highlighting to the people that in the past they had put their trust in Moses, who had brought them God's commandments and law. Moses had a great track record of leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, but now the people had to fix their thoughts on Jesus. Today, we need to do the same in keeping our belief, faith and trust in Jesus. Who do you trust to lead you?
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Duration: 32 mins 18 secs
This passage describes the coming of Jesus to earth as someone who might become a merciful and faithful High Priest. One of the requirements of the High Priest in the Old Testament was to be a representative of the people before God. In becoming human, Jesus was made lower than the angels - He was the same as us. Jesus now goes before us and because of His human experience, He is able to be a true representative of us to God. When we fail regularly because of our sin, we have Jesus who will stand before God on our behalf and restores our relationship with Him. Jesus saves us from eternal death.
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Duration: 42 mins 17 secs
Whatever the challenges we face in life, as Christians, we must persevere to keep on fixing our eyes on Jesus. In this passage the Jewish Christians were being encouraged to stay strong in their faith in Jesus Christ and not fall back on old practices or rely only on angelic experiences in their lives. Jesus is set above all things and now sits on the right hand of God. We need to be careful to pay attention and not drift away from Jesus, despite what experiences we go through in our lives. What are you fixing your eye on that may cause you to drift away from Jesus?
Sunday, 05 June 2016
Passage: Hebrews 1:1-4
Duration: 32 mins 33 secs
God spoke to people in ancient times through prophets and He continues to speak to us today through His Son, Jesus. God revealed himself progressively through the Old Testament teachings, but when Jesus came to earth the people were able to see the full glory of God, face to face. If we want to understand God, then we need Jesus to unlock what is revealed to us in the bible. Jesus carries the full authority of God, because He is the exact representation of God - Jesus is God!
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Passage: Luke 10:9-12
Duration: 33 mins 47 secs
The seventy-two sent out by Jesus were to tell people that the Kingdom of God was near. There was a warning for those who rejected this news. Nothing has changed for us today. Jesus spent all of His ministry on earth trying to realign the Jews thinking of what the Kingdom of God was about. We often decide what is best for us, and our society allows this. But there is a better alternative as we allow Jesus to be a part of our lives and we follow Him. As Christians, we are called to be ministers as we point people towards Jesus Christ. We need to be committed to share with people the message of Jesus and the Kingdom of God, looking around us for opportunities to do so.
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Passage: Luke 10:5-8
Duration: 28 mins 31 secs
In this passage Jesus encourages those He sends to approach each household with the intention of bringing peace. If a 'person of peace' is found at that place then peace will rest on them. If this isn't the case, they will move on to the next house. How do you recognise a 'person of peace'? You need look no further than the life of Jesus. The ministry of Jesus brought peace to people's lives. As we share the gospel of Jesus with others, we need to approach them with grace and peace.
Sunday, 08 May 2016
Passage: Luke 10:4
Duration: 29 mins 10 secs
As Christians, our life's priorities will change as we follow Jesus. We need to recognise that by trusting in Jesus, He will provide all our needs. When we let go of things, there is freedom. We need to let go of the things that stop us from carrying out God's mission for us. By travelling light we need to make space that will allow us the opportunities to share Jesus with others.
Sunday, 01 May 2016
Passage: Luke 10:1-12
Duration: 27 mins 58 secs
Jesus gave His disciples the power and authority to heal the sick and sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God. Jesus then went on to appoint seventy-two others to go before Him to tell others about the hope He had to offer. They were few in number and not much has changed for us today. Our mission is to tell the world about Jesus. This mission is not just for trained workers, it is the responsibility of all believers. It is the greatest way in which we can serve Jesus as we proclaim His salvation. The task is not an easy one and the need for more workers is great. Are you looking for opportunities of sharing the gospel of Jesus to those around you?