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Sunday, 27 September 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 29 mins 2 secs
We can withstand what is coming in our lives if we know it is coming, if we know why it is happening and if we trust the One who is in charge. We are not alone if we commit ourselves to our faithful Creator. We are to expect suffering in our lives and testing will come. Suffering for doing Gods will is committing ourselves to Him and we are not alone because Jesus walks with us. Deposit your life into His bank each day.
Sunday, 20 September 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 27 mins 11 secs
Where is your time invested? We need look at how we spend our time and how we connect with others. Have a strong, robust attitude towards sin. Arm yourselves against it, fight it, defeat it. Have a patient attitude towards those who don't believe. Have an expectant attitude toward Christ. Jesus will return. The world will be surprised - will you? Have a passionate attitude toward the believers. Love, be hospitable and serve others. None of us know how much time we have. Invest time into God's kingdom, doing God's will, praying and serving others.
Sunday, 13 September 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 26 mins
Peter is writing to Christians in a time of difficulty and even now we are living in times of difficulty. Jesus suffered unjustly but was obedient to His Father. He chose to die for us and this gives us living hope with death being conquered. In our Christian ministry today we will face opposition but we must serve God in faith and not trust in results. Our baptism is a witness to others that we have died to ourselves and now live for Jesus. There is no other way to be saved from this broken, sinful world and be made right with God but through Jesus. Helpful information on 1 Peter 3:19 can be found here:
Sunday, 06 September 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 25 mins 27 secs
As Christians, we might be the only Bible that some people every read so therefore we need to live a life that is sympathetic, compassionate and humbling towards others. We need to repay any evil with a blessing and not react with anger and vengeance. We need to be confident in Christ knowing our inheritance is secure. Because we are citizens of heaven we can afford to take a few hits. Always be ready to give an answer to the hope you have in Christ by maintaining your composure and by being respectful. Cultivate Christian love and unity.
Sunday, 30 August 2020
Passage: 1 Peter 3:1-7
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 23 mins 15 secs
Our submission is for Christ and to be like Christ. "In the same way..." means as Jesus submitted. Submission is not taking an inferior position. God created men & women in His own image. They were given the same instructions to subdue the world. As Jesus restores the world, there is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female. Whatever is a strength for you, it should be a driver for respect not an opportunity to dominate and show power. It is important in our relationship with God.
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 30 mins 29 secs
To submit is to give way, a voluntary act where we choose to be obedient, accepting another's authority, a laying down of our will. We need to recognise God's authority in our lives, placing ourselves willingly under God. Jesus is our Shepherd and He wants us to return to Him. We are to grow more like Him. For the Lord's sake, how can we submit in a way that points people to Jesus?
Sunday, 16 August 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 12 mins 50 secs
Disunity can occur in churches but we are a people of hope, holiness and harmony. Our spiritual unity is found in oneness, not sameness. We are living stones, precious to Him and each individual stone needs a relationship with Christ. Together there is strength, aligning ourselves with Jesus. When a stone is missing from a building, it is noticed and missed. May we stand in the gap for people who do not know God, connecting others with Jesus.
Sunday, 09 August 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 20 mins 12 secs
To be holy means to be different, set apart. As Christians, we are different from the world, different from the way we used to be. The world tries to conform us, but instead we are transformed by God's renewing of our minds. We need however, to keep our minds alert, be sober with clear thinking and be obedient to what we believe. Our minds should be on things above and our actions must follow God's grace. Are you alert to how you are living in the light of what God had done for you? Are you apathetic? Fill your mind with God's goodness. Be shaped by Jesus.
Sunday, 02 August 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 24 mins 59 secs
As Christians, we have a living hope, because of Jesus' resurrection from the dead, and an inheritance in heaven that will never perish, spoil or fade. Our faith is protected through the shield of God's power but can be tested in times of difficulty in our lives. We need to trust in Jesus in the tough times and turn these trials into triumphs. Where is your faith anchored? Is it strong in Jesus?
Sunday, 26 July 2020
Passage: 1 Peter
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 17 mins 32 secs
However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. Where there's life, there's hope (Stephen Hawking). Christian hope comes not from within ourselves, but from God, from Jesus' death & resurrection. Our hope is not wishful thinking, but a sure and certain hope. As a Christian, what does it mean for you to have a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ?