Sunday, 21 April 2013
Duration: 17 mins 43 secs
Jesus was in existance before the world began and He will be there in the end. He knows everthing about us. From looking at the I AM statements of Jesus over the past few weeks, it has all been about connecting yourself to Him, which is what we are called to do. We are to connect to Jesus, to look to Him and to keep our eyes fixed upon Him. Is this true for you?
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Duration: 34 mins 29 secs
In this passage Jesus asks His disciples, "Who do people say I am?". Some people thought He was John the Baptist or Elijah or one of the prophets. Peter responded that Jesus was the Messiah. We know that the Messiah will defeat sin and death. God's victory is gained through death and resurrection. We need to align ourselves with God's will. We need to trust on God's provision. 'I AM' changes who I am. How has Jesus, the I AM, changed your life?
Sunday, 07 April 2013
Duration: 23 mins 48 secs
In the last of Jesus’ ‘I Am’ statements in the gospel of John, Jesus uses the illustration of a gardener and a vine and its branches to convey the spiritual reality of the relationship and work of the Father, Himself and His disciples. Jesus declares that He is the true vine in comparison with Israel, His Father is the gardener who cuts off dead branches and prunes the weak ones, and that we as disciples are the branches. He calls us to remain in Him, to know our place, to be fruitful and to show love, all for God’s glory. What do these things look like for you?
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Duration: 30 mins 29 secs
Jesus speaks words of comfort to His disciples in a time of trouble in their lives. He says for them not to worry, but to trust in Him and in God. We too can find the same comfort when we turn to the One who is the way, truth and life.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Duration: 30 mins 48 secs
In this passage we meet a family that is stricken by sickness, gripped by grief and defeated by death. Jesus words “I AM the Resurrection and the Life” are not just empty words used to bring hollow comfort, but are words that are full of hope, power and victory as he brings Lazarus back from the dead. The words and the reality are for you as well. Do you believe this?
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Duration: 29 mins 42 secs
In this passage Jesus tells us how He is the good Shepherd, who sacrifices Himself for the us, who shows compassion and care for those who need a shepherd and searchers out those who are lost. Is this true for you?
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Duration: 28 mins 31 secs
In this I am statement of Jesus, He is wanting us to see that not only is He the good shepherd that cares, provides and protects the sheep but He is also the GATE for the sheep and the only true way the God. There are 2 questions we all need to ask ourselves: 1. Have you entered into salvation through the only gate, which is Jesus? 2. Do you know and follow Jesus’ voice?
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Duration: 31 mins 30 secs
We struggle to do things in our life when we are in dark surroundings - we need a source of light to function properly. We are reminded that Jesus is the source of light for the world and although we live in a sinful world, God will ultimately redeem us back to Himself. Jesus has called us His redeemed people and He calls us to be a light to this world but we cannot shine unless Christ is in our lives, unless we have the Light of the World in us.
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Duration: 27 mins 49 secs
If we want spiritual food that lasts forever then we are to come to Jesus to be fed. We need to find the true bread from heaven that leads to eternal life. This is the bread that Jesus offers. What is it that would make our life easier? Not worldly possessions. First and foremost we need to fully trust and be reliant on Jesus. We need the bread that only Jesus can give!
Sunday, 03 February 2013
Introduction to a new series on the the 'I am' statements of Jesus. Everything about God comes from God and He is not determined by anything outside of Himself. When Jesus says 'I am' He takes on all of God - it is who He is. God has come to us in a personal and real way through Jesus. When we come to Jesus, we come to God. God welcomes us to Himself.