Sunday, 12 February 2023
Duration: 33 mins 16 secs
In this passage, we get the see one of the great mysteries of the Bible, Jesus is fully God and fully Man. Even though He is the God who became flesh and dwells with us (John 1:14), He is a human like us, yet without sin (Heb. 4:15). Jesus had to grow in wisdom and stature and so do we.
Sunday, 05 February 2023
Duration: 29 mins 27 secs
As we start to look at the Gospel of Luke, he makes it really clear why he is writing to Theophilus and to us. "so that you may KNOW the certainty of the things you have been taught." The Gospels show us who Jesus is and what He came to do. As we study this Gospel together over the next few months, I pray that we would be reminded again and again about the certainty of what we have been taught.