

Feb 2023 - Apr 2023
Sermons in this series
Sunday, 23 April 2023
Passage: Luke 24:36-49
Series: Luke
Duration: 27 mins 38 secs
In this last section of the Gospel of Luke, we see how Jesus re-connects with His disciples after their disbelief of His resurrection. We see Jesus showing 'Compassion' rather than criticism, 'Connection', rather than separation and 'Commissioning' them with a task rather than dismissing them for their lack of faith.
Sunday, 16 April 2023
Passage: Luke 24:13-35
Series: Luke
Duration: 24 mins 15 secs
As these two disciples travel from Jerusalem to Emmaus we get to see the journey that every Christian needs to make. That is, as we read the scriptures, we allow Jesus to open our eyes and hearts to how the words speak of him and respond in faith to those words.
Sunday, 09 April 2023
Passage: Luke 24:1-12
Series: Luke
Duration: 21 mins 15 secs
In this passage, the women were asked, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, He is risen!" The women "came and saw" and then "go and tell". As Christians, we need to look for opportunities to tell others about Jesus, who died on the cross for all the sins of mankind, but has risen from the dead to show He has victory over all things.
Sunday, 02 April 2023
Passage: Luke 19:1-10
Series: Luke
Duration: 25 mins 44 secs
As we continue to look at God's up-side-down Kingdom, we learn a lot from the story of Zacchaeus. We see a man become a child, the one who was seeking becomes found, the small become big, the rich become poor, the poor become rich and the host becomes the guest. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. How about you, have you been found by the Saviour?
Sunday, 26 March 2023
Passage: Luke 18:9-30
Series: Luke
Duration: 29 mins 37 secs
In these verses, we get to see what Jesus says about the Kingdom of God and how we enter it. It is not through our works and what we do, rather it is through an attitude of humility and dependence as we put our faith in Jesus.
Sunday, 19 March 2023
Passage: Luke 17:11-19
Series: Luke
Duration: 25 mins 19 secs
In this passage we get to see a Christian virtue that is often overlooked and easily neglected in our life. The virtue of THANKFULNESS. Jesus performed an amazing healing in the lives of 10 men that were afflicted with leprosy. Jesus tells them to show themselves to the priest and on the way all 10 were healed. The point of this story is that only one out of those 10 came back to thank Jesus and give praise to God for his healing. Are we quick to pray, but slow to give thanks? God wants us all to be thankful people.
Sunday, 12 March 2023
Passage: Luke 10:38-42
Series: Luke
Duration: 26 mins 13 secs
In this story of Martha and Mary, Jesus reveals what is the most important thing we should do in our Christian lives. That is to listen to the words of Jesus and spend time in His presence. How is your devotional life going? How and where do you make time to spend with Jesus on a daily basis?
Sunday, 05 March 2023
Passage: Luke 7:36-50
Series: Luke
Duration: 29 mins 4 secs
We are all sinners in need of a Saviour, some of us know this and others don't see their need. The woman saw her need for forgiveness and saw the Saviour, whereas Simon the Pharisee couldn't see his need or see the Saviour.
Sunday, 26 February 2023
Passage: Luke 7:1-17
Series: Luke
Duration: 33 mins 41 secs
Hebrews 11:6 says that "without faith it is impossible to please God". Here in this story, we see the great faith of the Centurion as he encounters Jesus, but many of us feel that our faith is lacking. We need to understand what true faith is, not in how much we can muster, but rather, in whom we are placing our faith.
Sunday, 19 February 2023
Passage: Luke 4:14-30
Series: Luke
Duration: 33 mins 12 secs
After Jesus had been tested by the Devil in the wilderness, He returns to Galilee where He taught in synagogues with everyone praising Him. When Jesus entered Nazareth, where He had been brought up, He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and spoke. Once again people were amazed of the gracious words that came from His lips. But in a few short verses, from Jesus' words, all the people were furious with Him. What was happening for the people in Jesus' hometown?