Come Follow Me

Come Follow Me

Oct 2019 - Nov 2019
Sermons in this series
Sunday, 24 November 2019
Duration: 23 mins 53 secs
As Peter continues in his discipleship he learns a very important lesson about God's Kingdom in this passage. Jesus opened up the doors to Heaven to all people, not just Jews. By doing this he also showed that all people needed Jesus. Peter's role was to lead people through the door and lead them to Jesus, for only faith in Him is the way to God's Kingdom.
Sunday, 17 November 2019
Passage: Acts 2:29-41
Duration: 19 mins 32 secs
Peter has left his fishing boat and family to follow Jesus. We see in this passage Peter declaring to the crowd that Jesus is David's promised descendant, the Messiah. Whilst some people were fearful, as they did not believe Jesus would rise from the dead, thousands of people did believe Peter's message and were baptised. The waters of baptism are a witness to others of what has already taken place in our lives and is not a requirement of salvation.
Sunday, 03 November 2019
Passage: John 21:15-25
Duration: 18 mins 5 secs
Before Jesus reinstates Peter's life and ministry, there is a question that he needs to answer. It's a question from Jesus that we all need to answer. DO YOU LOVE ME? Everything else in life will hinge on your response. So, what is your answer to Jesus' question?
Sunday, 27 October 2019
Passage: John 21:1-14
Duration: 28 mins 28 secs
Peter has fished sincerely but with no result. If we serve in our own strength, we will not glorify God. Peter now responds in obedience to Jesus in throwing the nets on the other side of the boat with 153 fish as a result! John first recognises the Lord but it is Peter that dives in - he is not going to move away from Jesus again. If we are to be fishers of people, we must obey God. If we are to be shepherds of God's people, we must love Him. Jesus gives Peter what he needs physically before attending to his spiritual needs. Our Lord has compassion and meets our needs.
Sunday, 20 October 2019
Passage: Luke 22:54-64
Duration: 25 mins 33 secs
As we journey with Jesus in discipleship, the journey is not always smooth sailing, there are ups and downs, victories and defeats. Peter found this in his own life, but he also found that Jesus is able to turn our failings into victory when we turn back to him in faith and trust.
Sunday, 13 October 2019
Duration: 25 mins 17 secs
In this passage we see that Jesus has taken His disciples north to Caesarea Philippi, away from the crowds who may have wanted to crown Him king. When Jesus asked His disciples "who do you say I am?", it was Peter, a bold man of faith, the one who steps out of the boat in faith, the one who knows who Jesus is and declares it. Jesus is more than a great man, a prophet or a servant of God. Our journey as Christians only starts when we become believers in Him. Who do you say Jesus is?
Sunday, 06 October 2019
Passage: Mark 1:16-20
Duration: 17 mins 55 secs
In this passage, we see Jesus calling His first disciples to follow Him. In the same way, Jesus calls us to follow Him, in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, and to be in a relationship with Him. Jesus not only calls us to Himself, but He also calls us out so that we can share the Good News with others.