Sunday, 20 March 2016

From Lost to Found

Jesus gives us freedom to choose want we want to do in our life. In today's passage and the parable Jesus told about the prodical son, Jesus illustrates this with the younger son choosing to leave his familiy. This son chose not to have a relationship with his father as he turned away from his family. When we feel distant from God, it is us that has moved away. We are like the lost sheep that has gone astray. Whatever struggles or battles we face in our life, we need to be in a right relationship with Jesus who will provide the guidance, direction and comfort we need. The other older son in the parable showed anger, resentment, jealousy and bitterness when things did not go as he expected. The love of the father in this parable was unchanging. God is also unchanging. No matter what our circumstances, Jesus will always welcome us into His family.
Duration:24 mins 14 secs