

Jul 2022 - Oct 2022
Sermons in this series
Sunday, 07 August 2022
Series: Proverbs
Duration: 32 mins 20 secs
In this passage, we have a father and mother speaking to their son to identify the different voices that will speak into his life. There is the voice of instruction, the voice of temptation, the voice of salvation, which is the voice of wisdom. What voice are you going to listen to?
Sunday, 31 July 2022
Series: Proverbs
Duration: 26 mins 3 secs
Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs to share with Israel what God had taught him about how to live a skilfulĀ and disciplined life. In this introduction, we get to see why proverbs are helpful and the key to knowledge, which is "the fear of the Lord". As we study the book together, may we grow in the knowledge of God and allow that to affect the way we live.