Throughout Jesus' ministry on earth, He healed and forgave sins of individual people, including in this passage, bringing a girl back from the dead. These acts are a foretaste of what Jesus will ultimately do - give His life so that all of us can be saved and enter into the Kingdom of God if we believe and accept Him as our Saviour. Jesus shows His power over nature in being able to calm the storm. It showed, at this stage, that His own disciples did not have faith and trust in Him. When things get tough for us, do we have faith and trust in Jesus to see us through? Jarius' faith was tested when he found out that his daughter had died. Jesus showed that He had power and authority even over death. As Christians, we know that we are not immune to disease, difficult times and ultimately death. Committing our lives to God means that we will conquer all of these things after our time on earth and will spend an eternity with Him.
Duration:36 mins 49 secs