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Sunday, 24 September 2023
Series: Romans
Duration: 31 mins 48 secs
In the first three and a half chapters, Paul establishes the fact that all people are guilty of sinning before God. The question before us now is how can we be made right with God? Paul answers that in this passage.
Sunday, 17 September 2023
Duration: 30 mins 3 secs
Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. In this passage, Jesus instructs the disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. As Christians, our responsibility is to also tell others about Jesus to encourage them to become followers of Jesus. We are not perfect and can have doubts about our faith, but we are to remain anchored to Jesus and be like a floating pontoon that can rise and fall to meets people's needs, where ever they are at.
Sunday, 10 September 2023
Passage: Romans 3:9-21
Series: Romans
Duration: 27 mins 28 secs
As Paul finishes off this section, he lays out the diagnosis of the human condition, that we are guilty of sinning against God (verse 9). Now this bad news is known, he will start to explain the cure. We find this in verse 21 "the righteousness of God has been made known."
Sunday, 03 September 2023
Duration: 27 mins 24 secs
On Mother's Day, we looked at Hannah and saw her connection to God. On this Father's Day we are looking at her husband Elkanah, and we will see how he shows love for his family in his words, through his works and this is a result of a life that is built on worshipping God.
Sunday, 27 August 2023
Series: Romans
Duration: 33 mins 39 secs
In this long section of Romans, Paul now turns his attention to the Jewish people and those who trust in God. If the Gentile world was guilty of sin, then how much more are those who know the truth but still do the same sins? What should our response be? To trust God and have a heart that is turned towards Him.
Sunday, 20 August 2023
Series: Romans
Duration: 28 mins 39 secs
After Paul has talked about the "good news" we have in the gospel (Rom. 1:1-17), he now turns his attention to the reason why we need to hear this "good news" and what we see in this section is a downward spiral. From the lofty heights of knowing the God of creation, we descended to worshiping the birds, beasts and bugs that he created, and worst still, we put ourselves in his place. This is sin and this is what we need to be saved from. The first step for everyone is to recognise the position they are in.
Sunday, 13 August 2023
Passage: Romans 1:8-17
Series: Romans
Duration: 29 mins 31 secs
After Paul introduces himself to the Romans, he goes on to indicate the reason why he is writing to them. In this section, he says it is about their FAITH in the GOSPEL of Jesus. These two need to go hand in hand.
Sunday, 06 August 2023
Passage: Romans 1:1-7
Series: Romans
Duration: 27 mins 38 secs
As we start a new series on the letter to the Romans, we see Paul giving his credentials to the church in Rome and stating why he is writing. He is a Servant, an Apostle, a Preacher and a Missionary of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus. As we study this letter I pray that the Gospel would take root in our lives and then flow out to others.
Sunday, 23 July 2023
Duration: 30 mins 5 secs
We are considering what it means to live SACRIFICIALLY. Sacrifice is the spiritual principle that we apply to giving. Paul says to the Corinthians "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Cor. 9:7) When we give this way it will hardly seem like a sacrifice.
Sunday, 16 July 2023
Duration: 33 mins 48 secs
Setting Aside is the spiritual principle that we apply to saving. When we set aside our finances it; relieves anxiety, empowers our calling, prepares us for life's storms, fights against instant gratification and fosters generosity.