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Sunday, 05 August 2012
Series: Philippians
Duration: 32 mins 17 secs
Philippians is a letter full of joy and doctrinal truths. It gives insight into Paul’s mind, Christ’s mind and what the Christian mind should be. Paul reminds us that as God began the good work in us, so He carries it on and will complete it. It is not up to us, but Paul tells us that we are to be ready when Christ appears. It is God’s grace that enables us to obey what we read in His Word and do what He has planned for us. We need to live in partnership with Him.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Duration: 40 mins 3 secs
Trees by a river are always growing because they have a source of life next to them. Jesus is the life we all need to source, so we can grow personally, and so that our church can be a life giving shelter to our community. To be Christians who are authentic, inside and out, we need to be reading God’s Word daily - to be informed, inspired and most importantly, incarnated to become like Jesus. We must “look hard” into it, until we see God’s image reflected back to us.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Passage: John 15:1-17
Duration: 39 mins 46 secs
The Father is the gardener, Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Jesus is the true vine that Israel was not. The purpose of the vine is to bear fruit. Branches that do not bear fruit get cut off and even those that do are pruned. The key to bearing fruit is our connectedness to Jesus. Hearing and doing God’s Word is how we remain in Jesus.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Duration: 33 mins 52 secs
The application Jesus is drawing from the Sermon on the Mount is “just do it”. There is danger in a verbal response, where there is outward conformity, but no inward submission to Christ’s lordship. There is also danger in an intellectual response which does not go beyond a superficial foundation and cannot weather storms. Salvation is not based on works, but those who are truly saved will obey Jesus. It is a sign we are saved.
Sunday, 08 July 2012
Passage: Luke 10:38-42
Duration: 33 mins 9 secs
All of us are given the same amount of time each day. How do we spend it? Sitting at the feet of Jesus is the source of life for all Christians. To achieve anything in this world we need to practice. The Bible is the Christian’s core fitness regime. If you skip practice it will show. If we are not in God’s Word, we are playing church. We are not being shaped and we will not have the fullness Jesus promises. We need to get back to the source.
Sunday, 01 July 2012
Duration: 27 mins 24 secs
There is a danger in resting in what we have done in the past. To see God make big changes involves laying everything down. The deeper need Paul writes about is to press into Jesus and be conformed to His image. We are to live powerfully, sacrificially and hopefully in the resurrection of Christ. Walk forward from what we are to what we will be. And pedal...
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Duration: 48 mins 53 secs
God wants two things for us: that we know the heart of God in Christ and to know our heart in the light of Christ. We are to minister out of God’s love for people, therefore we need to know Him deeper.
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Duration: 34 mins 18 secs
In our worldview everything is relative, but God is absolutely holy and can not tolerate sin. To believe in God means an act of doing, not just head knowledge. Good works can not save us, but because we are saved, a sign of our salvation will be justice, mercy and humility before God.
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Duration: 44 mins 25 secs
We put God in a box when we think He turns a blind eye to sin in our life, or when we worship the doings rather than the Do-er, or when we try to repeat what He did in the past, in our own strength. Putting God in a box is trying to control Him. Sometimes He just quietly leaves and sometimes He reacts dramatically...
Sunday, 03 June 2012
Passage: Acts 18:1-11
Duration: 31 mins 32 secs
This message is an account of lives transformed when a church is born. Scripture is here to inspire us and to imagine what God might do through us. Like the church at Corinth, we matter to God and we are to work together to achieve our common purpose of reaching the lost with God-based courage.