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Sunday, 10 March 2013
Passage: John 10:11-18
Duration: 29 mins 42 secs
In this passage Jesus tells us how He is the good Shepherd, who sacrifices Himself for the us, who shows compassion and care for those who need a shepherd and searchers out those who are lost. Is this true for you?
Sunday, 03 March 2013
Duration: 37 mins 7 secs
Brad Konemann, Youth Director for 13:3 (Voice of the Martyrs), informed us of some of the challenges faced by Christians around the world that can’t worship freely as we do and the persecution they face because of their faith in Jesus. In this bible passage Paul teaches us that persecution is because of Jesus, it advances the gospel and encourages other Christians. Paul’s highest priority is to share the gospel no matter what. What is our highest priority? Is it aligned with God’s?
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Passage: John 10:1-10
Duration: 28 mins 31 secs
In this I am statement of Jesus, He is wanting us to see that not only is He the good shepherd that cares, provides and protects the sheep but He is also the GATE for the sheep and the only true way the God. There are 2 questions we all need to ask ourselves: 1. Have you entered into salvation through the only gate, which is Jesus? 2. Do you know and follow Jesus’ voice?
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Passage: John 8:12-20
Duration: 31 mins 30 secs
We struggle to do things in our life when we are in dark surroundings - we need a source of light to function properly. We are reminded that Jesus is the source of light for the world and although we live in a sinful world, God will ultimately redeem us back to Himself. Jesus has called us His redeemed people and He calls us to be a light to this world but we cannot shine unless Christ is in our lives, unless we have the Light of the World in us.
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Passage: John 6:25-59
Duration: 27 mins 49 secs
If we want spiritual food that lasts forever then we are to come to Jesus to be fed. We need to find the true bread from heaven that leads to eternal life. This is the bread that Jesus offers. What is it that would make our life easier? Not worldly possessions. First and foremost we need to fully trust and be reliant on Jesus. We need the bread that only Jesus can give!
Sunday, 03 February 2013
Passage: Exodus 3:1-14
Duration: 23 mins 7 secs
Introduction to a new series on the the 'I am' statements of Jesus. Everything about God comes from God and He is not determined by anything outside of Himself. When Jesus says 'I am' He takes on all of God - it is who He is. God has come to us in a personal and real way through Jesus. When we come to Jesus, we come to God. God welcomes us to Himself.
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Passage: John 8:1-11
Duration: 31 mins 43 secs
Jesus came to the woman at the well at her point of need and brought wholeness to her. Jesus is a God who bends down to us and stands up for us. God wants us to receive His grace and go out this week and live in it. Jesus doesn’t just want to get you into heaven, he wants to get heaven into you.
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Passage: John 15:21-25
Duration: 27 mins 26 secs
Jesus calls us as individuals although His plan for salvation includes the whole world and He wants to impact our lives. Like Peter, we can try to live up to what we’re called to do, but often we feel like we’re failing. It’s when we stop trying to do things in our own strength that God can begin to use us. The biggest discourager iscomparison. Like Jesus told Peter, we just need to do what He calls us to do. The most important question Jesus asks is, “Do you love Me?” His simple statement to a “Yes” answer is, “Follow Me!”
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Passage: John 4:1-42
Duration: 27 mins 22 secs
John’s gospel about spiritual insight and going beyond the physical. In John 4:27-42 the Samaritan woman is focused on the physical but Jesus wants to reveal something to her on a deeper level. Similarly we get caught up with the physical and miss the greater depth that Jesus has for us. We can’t see this without the Holy Spirit. We can be part of Christ’s work to bring about God’s kingdom if we open ourselves to God and others.
Sunday, 06 January 2013
Passage: John 1:35-51
Duration: 31 mins 32 secs
We did not choose Jesus, He chose us. No matter what happens in 2013, we can hold onto this truth. In John 1:35-51, we see the response of several people to Jesus. Their stories show us that despite how we may think or feel at present Jesus knows, and has still chosen us and loves us. Jesus lives with us so He knows exactly what we’re going through and can sympathise perfectly with us.