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Sunday, 28 July 2013
Passage: James 1:12-18
Series: James
Duration: 37 mins 51 secs
James reminds us in this passage that we will face temptations in our life. If we submit to God through these temptations, then we will live life to the full. If we submit to the temptation, then Satan will have his way and steal our life. Temptation itself is not a sin but it can be subtle and desirable. If we give into the temptation, then this can give birth to sin. It is our responsibility on how we respond to temptation. Will we submit to our own evil desires and let Satan take control or will we allow God to work through us?
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Passage: James 1:1-11
Series: James
Duration: 27 mins 48 secs
The bible is clear in that we will face issues and problems in our life. They will come in many different ways and when we are not expecting them. James tells us to see these problems as pure joy. How is this so? God uses our problems to: (1) prove our faith; (2) develop perseverance; (3) produce maturity; (4) develop our character. How should we respond? We need to keep our focus on God and rejoice, pray and trust Him to see us through our issues and problems.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Duration: 30 mins 30 secs
All Christian ministry is a mixture of both trellis work and vine work. Vine work is proclaiming the good news of Jesus and seeing lives transformed by God through His Spirit as a result. Trellis work is that which supports and gives structure to the vine. It is easy for trellis work to take over from vine work as we focus on programs and events instead of people. As the Great Commission reminds us, our primary responsibility as Christians is to be disciple-making disciples of Jesus. In order to do that, we need to make a conscious mind-shift away from establishing structures and towards growing people. This is by no means an easy process, but when the vine overcomes the trellis at our church that is when we will truly be fulfilling our commissioning.
Sunday, 07 July 2013
Series: Joshua
Duration: 27 mins 12 secs
Through Joshua, God reminds the people of Israel of what He has done for them as they moved from captivity in Egypt to the promised land in Canaan. The people are told to fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness. When we see what God has done for us, what is our response? We need to come before God with humility and commit ourselves to serve Him. We need to 'throw away' things that come between us and Jesus and allow Him to lead our lives.
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Series: Joshua
Duration: 37 mins 26 secs
As he prepares to move on from this life, Joshua speaks to the leaders of Israel to encourage them not to forget the faithfulness of the Lord and what He has done for them. Joshua warns them what will happen if they turn away from God. Within one generation, Israel will forget about God, they will find themselves not knowing Him and suffer the consequences of this. We need to be careful when things appear to be going well in our life, not to forget about God and assume that we have achieved everything without Him. When we forget about God, we puff ourselves up. We need to know our place, keep our eyes on Jesus and not ourselves. The victory we have in Jesus is found by obeying His written word and choosing to follow Him. God wants us to love Him.
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Series: Joshua
Duration: 43 mins 15 secs
Joshua and the Israelites have an amazing victory in the battle with Jericho, but there was a condition to this victory, all the spoil had to be given to God. This did not happen and now the people of Israel have become self confident and not relying on God. It is their disodedience to God and their own self confidence that see them lose a battle with the city of Ai. Joshua and the Israelites had failed God and in this passage we see the sin of disobedience but also the sin of omission - not doing what should have been done. What can we learn? (1) God does not want us to be self confident but to be God confident. We are to rely on God and not on our own strength; (2) God wants us to be in a relationship with Him, spending time in prayer and His word; (3) God wants us to obey Him. He wants us to focus on His ways and the not the ways of the world.
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Series: Joshua
Duration: 40 mins 49 secs
God has shown that He use different ways of achieving His goals. His thoughts are greater than our thoughts. For our own life challenges, there are three spriritual principles we can learn from this passage. (1) Before the challenge we need to remember that we fight from victory and not for victory. Because of our faith in Jesus, we start from a position of victory. (2) During the challenge,we need to remember that we overcome, not by our strength, but by faith. When we hear, believe and obey God's word, we invite God's presence to go with us. (3) After the challenge, we need to remember to obey God and give Him the glory. Our ultimate victory will come by putting our faith, hope and trust in Christ Jesus.
Sunday, 09 June 2013
Duration: 55 mins 11 secs
Jesus' greatest commandment is to love everyone. As Christians, what we believe in is important, but if we don't love everyone, we don't know God. Very few people will find Jesus in a church. Our commission is to allow people to find Jesus where ever we go and witness to others. In everything we do for Jesus we need to remain connected to Him. Ministry without Jesus in the centre will not succeed. In the song "Day by Day" from the musical Godspell, three simple lines sum up the challenge for Christians: (1) to see Thee more clearly, (2) love Thee more dearly, (3) follow Thee more nearly.
Sunday, 02 June 2013
Series: Joshua
Duration: 31 mins 16 secs
God calls us to be people of faith - this is what we see in this bible passage. The real focus here is not about Joshua or the crossing of the Jordan River, but rather it is on the 'Ark of the Covenant', that is, God. The Israelite people were to put their focus and faith in God to lead them. The same is still applicable for us today. Faith is about hearing the word of God, believing the word of God and obeying the word of God. Are we prepared to step out in faith when God is calling us to do so?
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Passage: Joshua 1:1-18
Series: Joshua
Duration: 37 mins 3 secs
Joshua was not strong and courageous in his own right - he needed God to be with him. Joshua found strength from God’s faithfulness in the past, His presence in the present and His promise for the future. When Joshua received God's call he responded immediately and prepared to move forward with God. Like Joshua, our life should be one surrender and submission to God that separates us from the ways of this world. We should strive to be Christ-like as we serve Him.