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Sunday, 03 August 2014
Passage: 1 John 2:1-14
Duration: 26 mins 14 secs
What does it mean to be a disciple (a follower) of Jesus? John tells us that as a follower of Jesus we must show obedience to Him. Jesus had a vertical relationship with God the Father but He also had a horizontal relationship with others. If we want to walk with and live like Jesus, we need to show our love for God and show our obedience to Him. We also need to show our love for others. Are you living in the light by following Jesus and obeying Him?
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Passage: 1 John 1:5-10
Duration: 41 mins 2 secs
The way we learn to overcome sin is to walk in the light. The message from John in this passage is that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. When we walk in the dark (a separate life from Jesus) our life will be a struggle, with no hope for our future. To walk in the light is to follow and obey Jesus and confess our sins. When we fellowship with Jesus, we see more easily our own shortcomings and sin. Confession of our sins keeps us walking in the light. If we don't do this, are we really walking in the light with Jesus?
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Passage: 1 John 1:1-4
Duration: 35 mins 43 secs
How do we know that Jesus is the Word of Life? We often hear what the world says is certain, death and taxes. God says what is certain is that Jesus Christ is Lord. This passage confirms that Jesus was there from the beginning, He came as man on this earth and we can have eternal life in fellowship with Him and God. God wants us to live a life of certainty, one that is being with Jesus Christ. John 20:29 tells us that as Christians we are blessed because even though we have not physically seen Jesus, we have faith and believe in Him. Are you sure of the truth and certainty that God has for you?
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Duration: 17 mins 44 secs
From where do you gain your confidence for your life beyond this one? In today's passage Paul uses dwelling and clothing metaphors to compare the temporal and the eternal and helps us to see things the way God does. He answers some challenging questions about what it looks like to live with the hope that God has promised us in the midst of difficult circumstances right now, and to be motivated to carry out God's mission in spite of them.
Sunday, 06 July 2014
Duration: 38 mins 14 secs
What is faith? When we believe and trust in Jesus Christ and not in ourselves. Faith though, is more than just belief. Faith is active - it unites us with Jesus Christ. Faith allows us to understand, it allows us to offer ourselves to God for His service, it allows us to build for God, it allows us to obey God's calling, it allows us to long for a future with God, it allows us to be blessed by God and allows us to worship Him. Faith trusts the Christ that promises! Do you trust, love and follow Jesus?
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Duration: 35 mins 25 secs
Solomon reminds us at the beginning of Proverbs that this book is for "gaining wisdom and instruction". At the end of this book Solomon decribes the attributes of the wife of noble character. But is this passage about what a wife should do to please her husband and family? No, it is more about what we as people need to do to please God! In God's eyes, marriage is husbands and wives complementing each other and not competing against each other. Marriage should be about love, about submission, about leading, about unity, about working together, and to fear and have faith in God. To fear God is to see Him as He really is - righteous and holy, and to recognise who we are - sinful and not worthy of Him. The fear we have of God should not drive us away from Him, but draw us closer to Him.
Sunday, 22 June 2014
Duration: 32 mins 7 secs
The Shunammite woman is a lady of faith. She recognises that Elisha is a man of God and makes the effort through her hospitality to serve God in preparing a room in her home for Elisha to stay when he comes to visit her town. After the death of her son, the Shunammite woman did not just accept the earthly fate of her son but put her faith in God through Elisha that her son may be restored to life. When we invite Jesus into a life do we allow Him to take over all aspects of our life or do we set apart just a section of our life for Him whilst relying on things of this earth? Putting our hope in earthly things will ultimately lead to failure. We need to put all our hope in Jesus because it is only through Him that we will be able to spend an eternity with God.
Sunday, 08 June 2014
Duration: 29 mins 20 secs
Nabal, a Calebite, was very wealthy but was a man who was very mean in his dealings. His wife Abigail was in complete contrast to Nabal. She was an intelligent woman who was approachable, understanding and quick thinking. This was shown when one of the servants tells Abigail what Nabal has done to offend David. Her response was immediate and deliberate in making amends for Nabal's mistake. In Abigail's meeting with David she shows that she is wise and God fearing. In her speech to David she highlights key attributes of God that are critical to David's well being, as well as our own, in that God provides the direction, protection, correction and completion in our lives. Abigail shows true servanthood, even when David invites her to become his wife after the death of Nabal. Abigail was willing to do what was required of her by God. God invites us to one His servants. Are we willing to do what He requires of us?
Sunday, 01 June 2014
Duration: 34 mins 54 secs
Many of the stories of the Old Testament retell the history of the people of Israel. But they are more than straight historical records. Together they show that God was not idle in the lead up to the coming of Jesus, but constantly working in the lives of His people to save and restore them into right relationship with Him. In theological terms, this is called salvation history, and the story of Samuel is an important part of it as he is used by God to anoint the first kings of Israel. Samuel's story however begins with Hannah, a woman who, in desperate times for Israel, was desperate to have a child and went to the only one who could meet this need.
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Passage: Ruth 1:1-22
Duration: 39 mins 19 secs
Ruth is a short book tucked away between Judges and 1 Samuel that tells one of the most deeply touching stories in the whole Bible. It is not first and foremost a love story however. It is the story of God on mission to bring back people to Himself. The story of Ruth is a beautiful picture of this redemption. Ruth was a widow and foreigner, living in a strange land. Circumstances had reduced her to a life of poverty. She was an outcast, destitute and needy, and she could not save herself. She needed her life redeemed. Really Ruth's story is that of every person in this world. It foreshadows the life of Jesus, who entered this world to become our kinsman-redeemer and to buy us back to God.