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Sunday, 31 January 2016
Duration: 24 mins 35 secs
We cannot live by the things of this world and expect them to last - they are only temporary. Our bodies are the same. We need to fix our eyes on that which is unseen - a permanent life with God in eternity. We need to see this world and our bodies as a stopover and we can be assured of our future because we can trust in God. We have the reality of Jesus being brought back to life and we have this same promise that we too will be brought back to life in heaven. We need to focus our lives around Jesus. Where is your true home?
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Duration: 25 mins 48 secs
Abram has a call from God to leave his home and travel to another country - so Abram was obedient and went. God can call us at anytime to move in a new direction in our life. This new direction may not always make sense and the end goal may not be known, but we need to be obedient to God's calling. As Abram was obedient to God, God was faithful to Abram in showing and leading him. We need to seek God, wait upon Him and then turn up!
Sunday, 17 January 2016
In our Christian life, we are a work in progress through Jesus. This passage highlights how we are to be a living sacrifice as we witness to others and we are not to be influenced by the world around us. Having a right relationship with God requires us to spend time with Him in seeking His will for us in or lives. We also need to spend time in evaluating our gifts and how best we can serve God and serve others. [Due to technical issues, this recording is not available]
Sunday, 10 January 2016
Duration: 20 mins 3 secs
The message for us in this Psalm is that any of us, at anytime, can sin. Even David, appointed by God, took advantage of his position as king and treats God with utter contempt when he sins against Him. David allowed himself to be controlled by his earthly desires and not the will of God. David lived under the the old covenant with God. We now live under the new covenant and our sins have been cleaned because of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ did on the cross. When we accept Jesus to be a part of our life, then it is Him that makes us pure through the Holy Spirit that dwells within us and allows us to be a living example to others around us.
Sunday, 03 January 2016
Passage: John 3:1-18
Duration: 29 mins 35 secs
Nicodemus was a learned religious teacher, a leader amongst his people, and yet he sought out Jesus because he recongonised that Jesus was a teacher who had come from God. Jesus points out to Nicodemus, and for us today, is that all He wants from us is a relationship by being born again in Him. Jesus came to this world to set us free. It is not what we do that earns us a place in God's kingdom, but it is by believing and accepting Jesus into our life. God so loved, He gave, we believe, we live. As we face a new year we need to fix our eyes on Jesus and be prepared for the new things He has in place for us.
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Duration: 18 mins 53 secs
King Herod felt threatened on the news of the birth of Jesus, King of the Jews, and tried to have him killed. Herod was a man soaked in earthly power, who was abusive and destructive to others. In total contrast, Jesus was a king that would rule, not by might and force, but bring comfort and hope to others, and ultimately would give himself up so that others may live. Who is going to be king this Christmas for you? Is it going to be about self or is it going to be about the true king, Jesus Christ, who will reign in lives?
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Passage: Titus 2:1-15
Duration: 22 mins 44 secs
As Christians, what is the purpose in your life now that God is a part of it? How has God shaped your life? This passage highlights our responsibilities to others, no matter what stage of our life we are in. In all that we do our actions are on show to the public and this should be a reflection of God's household. Why do this? We do this because we are God's children, saved by His Grace, and are wanting to serve Him. God is our purpose in life.
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Duration: 29 mins 49 secs
Before the work began on rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah inspired the people, he assured them that it was God who was at work, when the people were afraid he prayed that God would strengthen them, when they were threatened Nehemiah stood his ground. The building of the walls are complete and the gates are fixed in place. Nehemiah appointed two men to assist him in now leading to protect the people. These men were chosen for their integrity and for their fear of God. They were men who wanted to put God first. Other people were appointed as gatekeepers and guards to watch and protect the people from intruders. The message for us as Christians today is, that if we don't protect what God has accomplished in our life, then the enemy will come in and take it over. If we truly fear God then we will be faithful to the work he has called us to.
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Duration: 40 mins 7 secs
We face all types of pressure in our lives. As Christians, we also face spiritual pressure from Satan. We need to be alert and prepared to face this pressure, by spending time with God in prayer. Nehemiah faced personal attack in his conviction of following God's plan, by have having false accusations made against him. Nehemiah's response was to deny the accusations, pray to God for strength and to get back to work in following God's plan. Nehemiah had a personal connection with God and was confident trusting in Him, even when threatened with physical harm by those who opposed him. We can struggle in reading the bible and praying on a regular basis. We need to be in a close relationship with God by regularly praying to Him so that Satan does not get a hold in our life. God need to be working in us and we need to trust ourselves in Him.
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Duration: 34 mins 48 secs
In this chapter we see that the people are not fighting an external enemy but an enemy within - selfishness. Wealthy people were exploiting the poor in complete contradiction to their own law. God has a special concern for the poor, a concern we are also to have. Nehemiah's immediate response was one of anger but then he ponders the situation. He rebukes those who were taking advantage of the poor and disobeying God. Israel was to be an example to other nations but their witness of Jews selling other Jews into slavery was giving the wrong message. Nehemiah leads by example, not out of favour of people but for the favour of God. We need to be looking to the interest of others, not just ourselves. To do this we need to rely on Jesus and not try to do this in our own strength. How can we further God's kingdom if we are so wrapped up in our own selfish ways. Who's kingdom are you building? Who are you seeking first?