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Sunday, 24 April 2016
Passage: Exodus 4:1-17
Duration: 38 mins 19 secs
Moses' start in life was a miracle in itself - saved as a baby and then raised up in Pharaoh's household. When God confronts Moses 'in the burning bush' to tell him of His plan for rescuing the Israelites from the Egyptians, Moses comes up with excuses as to why he should not be chosen to do the task. Whatever God's plan is for you, He will equip you for the task. Your abilities and skills will not be enough. You need to practice the gifts God has given you, step out in faith and learn on the journey as you move towards the plan He has given you. God wants your character to line up with His character.
Sunday, 17 April 2016
Duration: 34 mins 5 secs
Despite difficult circumstances facing the Jews, the prophet Habakkuk accepts that through any adversity he and the Jews were to face, that he would trust God, rejoice and be joyful in Him. If we place our trust in someone, other than Jesus, and that person goes away, our life can be turned upside down. It is easy to find security in the things we have. We need to take our eyes off the world and focus on Jesus. Happiness is dependant on circumstances. We need to have the joy that Habakkuk showed, one that defies circumstances. We need to trust in God in all circumstances, the One who never changes. God never grows tired and weary - He will give strength to those who need it.
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Passage: Luke 10:25-37
Duration: 26 mins 48 secs
David shared about the work of Compassion Australia currently assisting 1,700,000 children world wide with the support of over 7,000 churches and with a target of helping 4,000,000 children by 2020. Whilst the number of deaths of children under 5, from preventable causes, has dropped from 55,000 per day in the 1960s it still remains at 16,500 per day in 2015. Hear how Compassion has helped children like Jane' Alam Sheikh and Christine Uwase.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
The two men travelling on the road to Emmaus were discouraged about what had happened to Jesus. Their hope was dashed - things had not gone as they had expected. They did not realise that it was Jesus who had joined them on the road. We sometimes don't realise that Jesus has come along side of us on our own journey in life. The men's faith had been dented, but Jesus does not reveal Himself to them, but directs them to God's word for them to get a fresh understanding of what had just just happened. If you want to walk closer with Jesus then spend time reading God's word and find the risen Saviour! [Due to technical issue, this recording is not available]
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Passage: Luke 15:1-32
Duration: 24 mins 14 secs
Jesus gives us freedom to choose want we want to do in our life. In today's passage and the parable Jesus told about the prodical son, Jesus illustrates this with the younger son choosing to leave his familiy. This son chose not to have a relationship with his father as he turned away from his family. When we feel distant from God, it is us that has moved away. We are like the lost sheep that has gone astray. Whatever struggles or battles we face in our life, we need to be in a right relationship with Jesus who will provide the guidance, direction and comfort we need. The other older son in the parable showed anger, resentment, jealousy and bitterness when things did not go as he expected. The love of the father in this parable was unchanging. God is also unchanging. No matter what our circumstances, Jesus will always welcome us into His family.
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Passage: Luke 10:1-24
Duration: 29 mins 29 secs
When Jesus saves us, He calls us to work with Him and be involved in His ministry. We are to live as witnesses for Him, and, as Christians, we represent God in this world. Our responsibility is to go where Jesus is going and to pray as we go. Our walk with God will have victories, but it will also have defeats. Either way, we are to continue to preach the kingdom of God and to have a right relationship with Him.
Sunday, 06 March 2016
Passage: Luke 6:27-36
Duration: 19 mins 23 secs
We live in a world that is full of hatred. How are we to respond to this? We are to love our enemies; we are to bless instead of curse; we are to pray for people who hurt us; if someone takes from us, we are to give them more; we lend expecting not to get it back. We are not to keep the focus on ourselves when trying to live this way, but to see what God has already done for us through Jesus Christ. We are to be merciful in our approach to others because God is merciful to us. Is your love self-serving, expecting something in return? Our love should be as self-giving, not through our own strength, but with the help of God.
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Passage: Luke 5:17-32
Duration: 24 mins 20 secs
The Pharisees role was to uphold God's law and ensure that the people were carrying out these laws. Throughout Jesus' ministry, He would challenge the Pharisees that it was not about their outward actions, but their internal attitudes that needed change. In this passage the Pharisees did not believe Jesus to be who he said He was, the Son of God. The friends of the paralysed man had the faith to bring him to Jesus, despite the difficulty in reaching Him. When Jesus calls Levi to follow Him, there was no hesitation in Levi's response in leaving everything to follow Jesus. The Pharisees could identify other peoples sin, but they could not see their own sin or be able to offer any hope to others. Only Jesus is the doctor who can offer a remedy for our sin, and He has already paid the bill. Do we get in the way of people meeting Jesus or are we helping instead? Do you see Jesus as a Saviour or as a religious leader that the Pharisees saw?
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Passage: Luke 5:1-11
Duration: 25 mins 46 secs
Jesus was always dealing with crowds of people and it is amazing how often he would connect with people on an individual basis to meet their needs. The same is for us today as Jesus meets with us on a personal level. He wants to transform us so that we can reach out and tell others of the message of Him. Faith will come to those who hear His message, recognise that they are a sinner, repent and turn their life around to follow Jesus. Is Jesus your Lord and Saviour? Have you repented from your way of life to follow Jesus?
Sunday, 07 February 2016
Passage: Luke 9:57-62
Duration: 30 mins 33 secs
This passage illustrates the commitment required to truly follow Jesus. The three men here indicated a desire to follow Jesus, but all of them had conditions before doing so. They were not prepared to deny themselves, take uo their cross daily and fully commit to following Jesus. The concern they had for themselves and others came before what Jesus had to offer. Is there a relationship in your life that is more important than your relationship with God? Will you follow Jesus, no matter what the cost?