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Sunday, 16 July 2017
Duration: 33 mins 6 secs
Timothy had the attitude of submission and wanted to serve the Lord. It was through his Christian faith that this attitude developed and grew. In this passage, Paul tells us that Timothy has a genuine concern for others and not for himself, as others had shown. Timothy wanted to serve others. We need to have this same attitude in our Christian walk as we serve Jesus.
Sunday, 09 July 2017
Series: Transformed
Duration: 29 mins 26 secs
We can be living comfortably and feel we have control of our life. We can assume that we don't need God in all parts of our life. Our life should reflect that of Jesus. Are we going to align ourselves each day with what we want or with what God wants? Nehemiah had a good job and lived comfortably, but then he received news about Jerusalem being in ruins. Nehemiah had a choice to remain in his comfortable lifestyle or to act on the information he had received. God speaks to us and challenges us. We need to decide if we are going to obey God or stay as we are. The transformation in our life requires God's Spirit. We can't do it by ourselves.
Sunday, 02 July 2017
Series: Transformed
Duration: 36 mins 2 secs
Why do you work? If work does not have a purpose then it becomes a drain on your life. Jesus' ministry, whilst He was on earth, was all about the Kingdom of God. As Christians, God's calling in our lives is all about glorifying God. We need to take the opportunity of marrying together both our job and God's calling for us. We are ambassadors for God and we need to direct others, when opportunities arise, to the Kingdom of God.
Sunday, 25 June 2017
Passage: Luke 16:1-13
Series: Transformed
Duration: 36 mins 21 secs
As Christians, we need the right attitude when it comes to our finances. Our world preaches financial security. We need to be sure that we don't pursue our own financial desires and recognise that everything we have is a gift from God. God calls us to be wise stewards. We need to invest in the things that God wants by living generously, providing for the work of the Kingdom of God and by showing our dependance on God in our giving.
Sunday, 18 June 2017
Series: Transformed
Duration: 38 mins 29 secs
In this passage we see the first perfect relationship and partnership between Adam and Eve. Through Satan's deception, we also see the first breakdown in the relationship. Fear was introduced to Adam and Eve. Fear can destroy relationships in various ways; (a) through fear of exposure of who we really are, (b) fear of disappointment that makes us defensive and (c) fear of losing control. God does not expect us to be perfect, but He does expect us to be honest with ourselves and each other. Adam and Eve lived in co-operation, but after sinning, lived in competition. To overcome fear in relationships, or any aspect of our life, we need to experience God's love and surrender our life to Him. We need to remember that God accepts, loves, forgives and values us.
Sunday, 11 June 2017
Passage: Mark 12:28-33
Series: Transformed
Duration: 48 mins 20 secs
How do you manage your emotions? As Christians, we worship an emotional God who wants a personal relationship with us. The only reason we have emotions is because we have been made in the image of God. Our emotions allows us love, show kindness and be compassionate. Emotions can also run our lives in a negative way. The book of Psalms helps us to understand the range of emotions we can face. It is important to understand how to manage our emotions and not let them rule our life. When we hang on to negative emotions it is only God that can heal our emotional wounds. The path to healing is to forgive and confess. We need to allow God to take control of our life.
Sunday, 04 June 2017
Series: Transformed
Duration: 33 mins 59 secs
God is far more interested in the way you think rather than changing your circumstances. We want God to take away our pain, sickness and difficulties in life. No transformation can happen in our life unless our mind is in the right place. Our thoughts control our life. Our mind is a battlefield for sin. Temptation can be a problem for us if it is in our mind in the first place. Whatever gets our attention, gets us. We need to let the Spirit control our mind, and for it to remain healthy, we need to feed it with truth, free it from destructive thoughts and focus our minds on the right things - Jesus, others and eternity.
Sunday, 28 May 2017
Passage: Psalms 23:1-6
Series: Transformed
Duration: 44 mins 41 secs
We can find ourselves in stressful situations as we need to make choices and as life rushes us by. If we place our future hope in this world, we will ultimately be disappointed. We need to look to God to meet all of our needs. We need to take the time to rest and recharge our soul. Indecision can cause us stress - we need to ask God for guidance and wisdom in all that we do. We will face times of loss - we need to grieve but not be afraid because God is with us through these tough times. Whatever we face in our life, God is our defender and He will support and direct us if we continue to follow and trust in Him.
Sunday, 21 May 2017
Passage: Luke 15:11-32
Series: Transformed
Duration: 48 mins 46 secs
Spiritual health is something we can only achieve through Jesus Christ. We are spiritual beings created by God and we belong to Him. Like the young man in this passage, at times in our life, we demand our rights to choose by ourselves and leave God out of our choices. In doing so, we get further from God and the weaker our spirit becomes. It is at these times we need to come to our senses. If we keep hiding, God will not bother us. If we repent and turn back towards Him, He knows where to find us and He sees us coming. Our Father's love and compassion is immediately available.
Sunday, 14 May 2017
Series: Transformed
Duration: 37 mins 32 secs
Goal setting is an important aspect we should have in our life. For Christians, goal setting is a spiritual responsibility and allows us to put our faith into action. Goals keep us focussed on what is really important in our life. God is more interested in who we are and who we become rather than what we accomplish. We will never be a person of God unless we are prepared and are willing to be a person God. Our goals should honour God, be motivated by love and be dependant on Him.