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Sunday, 10 December 2017
Duration: 33 mins 48 secs
Joseph was the earthly father of Jesus but showed great humility in standing in the background to allow the focus to be all about Jesus. Everytime that God speaks to Joseph, he responds immediately with faith and trust. Joseph was engaged to Mary but when he found out she was pregnant his first thought was to break the engagement, but instead, he obeyed the words of God and followed God's agenda. We need to follow God's agenda and not ours. In becoming a Christian we need to realise that we are a sinner and that we need to be forgiven. We give up our own rights to follow Jesus and we need to follow Him without conditions.
Sunday, 03 December 2017
Passage: Isaiah 9:1-7
Duration: 27 mins 27 secs
Isaiah tells the people of the day that they live in a land of darkness - not a physical darkness but a spiritual darkness. The people had turned away from and were ignorant of God. God's people looked from amongest themselves for guidance in life rather than relying on God. Isaiah prophesied the coming of Jesus, the only way our world could be saved. Jesus is the light that comes in this dark world and provides the hope of salvation to anyone who receives Him as their Saviour.
Sunday, 26 November 2017
Series: Armour Up
Duration: 29 mins 29 secs
Prayer enables us to be soldiers for Jesus. With prayer we can defeat Satan because we are always in communion with God. Our prayers need to include praise, thanks and confession and not just requests for our needs. We need to watch and be alert to Satan's plans and always keep praying for God's victory in our lives or the lives of others as we pray for all of God' people.
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Series: Armour Up
Duration: 31 mins 22 secs
The armour of God we have looked at to date have been defensive tools. Today we look at the sword. If the bible is the armour of God we have to protect us from Satan, then the sword is the sayings of Jesus that can pierce through our armour and speak directly to us. We can use the sword to fight against Satan. In the three temptations Jesus faced in this passage, Satan tries to get Jesus to act under His own authority, away from God. Jesus uses the Scriptures to respond accordingly. We need to use the Word of God in our own life to defeat Satan and not rely on our own strength.
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Series: Armour Up
Duration: 26 mins 59 secs
We are told in this passage to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. Satan is powerful and we are told to live wisely and make the most of every opportunity to share the good news of Jesus. Salvation is available to everyone who accepts Jesus as their Saviour and can only be given by Jesus. The helmet is assurance of our future salvation. We are reminded in Hebrews 11:1, "that faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see".
Sunday, 05 November 2017
Series: Armour Up
Duration: 6 mins 36 secs
As Christians, we need to stand firm in the spiritual battle we face daily. We can do this because of the truth of the gospel - the good news of what Jesus Christ has done for us through His death on the cross. We do not have to face this battle alone, but can walk together as one, with other Christians, by our faith and by caring and supporting each other.
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Series: Armour Up
As Christians, we have Jesus, who is greater than anything we might have to face in this world. Jesus is our salvation and He is the truth. Truth is not found from what we see in this world but is found in God's Word. We need to know this truth so that we can be ready to battle anything that Satan may throw at us. As we our live our lives and witness to others, we are to be people who are walking in the truth. When we accept Jesus into our life, we receive His righteouness. Because of what Jesus has done for us on the cross, we now have a direct relationship with God.
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Series: Armour Up
Duration: 30 mins 42 secs
In our Christian walk, we can be oblivious to who our enemy is, which can leave us unprepared. Satan does not live in Hell but roams throughout the earth. We need to stand firm against Satan, but in doing so, we need to now who he is. Satan rules over those who are not children of God and is always trying to destroy anything of God. We cannot underestimate or overestimate the power of Satan. We cannot fight Satan with our own flesh and blood, but only with the power of God. God gives us everything we need to defeat Satan.
Sunday, 15 October 2017
Passage: Luke 10:25-37
Duration: 30 mins 48 secs
What does it mean to be a Christian today? Unfortunately, this word has lost a lot of its power and the world would see the word 'Christian' in a number of different ways. Love is another word that has lost a lot of its power. Love, though, is the very foundation of being a Christian and Jesus reinforced this on many occassions. As Christians, we are to love God totally and love others completely. This passage shows the unconditional love that the Samaritan man had for the injured man, by putting the wellbeing of the stranger ahead of his own needs. The challenge for us to today is to do likewise in our daily lives.
Sunday, 08 October 2017
Duration: 26 mins 46 secs
In this passage we see that there are two ways to travel through life - one that leads to heaven, the other leading to hell. The easy road leads to destruction, the more difficult road, with Jesus, leads to eternal life. The question we need to be asking ourselves in our Christian walk is, does our faith in Jesus cost us anything, did our decision to follow Jesus change our life and is this reflected in our life? When we come to stand before God, it is only what Jesus says that will matter in the end. Obedience to God is true evidence that we have faith in the Lord. Do you hear God's Word and then do God's Word?