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Sunday, 10 June 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 34 mins 47 secs
All of us wanted to be accepted by our family, friends and colleagues. We can find ourselves "performing" to attract others to ourselves, and in doing so, hide our true selves. As Christians, we can do the same thing in seeking the acceptance of God, but He loves us just the way we are. If we want Christ to save us, then we need to let go of the things that get in the way of a true relationship with Him. There is nothing we can do to earn God's grace. We need to live in the victory of what Jesus has already done for us.
Sunday, 03 June 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 35 mins 57 secs
Paul tells the Galatians to stand firm in the freedom they have in Christ and not to fall back into the burden of the law of Judasium. The law was there as a guardian, put in place until Jesus came. The Jewish law made people carry an unnecessary heavy weight that pulled them away from the blessings of Christ. Freedom in Christ is true freedom and it is only Christ that can lead us in the way to everlasting.
Sunday, 27 May 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 38 mins 35 secs
In this passage we see a story of a family and its struggles. Ishmael, born to Hagar, represents an earthly birth. Isaac, born to Sarah, was born by the power of the Spirit. Hagar vs Sarah is law vs grace. Ishmael vs Isaac is flesh vs spirit. Hagar was a slave and remains a slave, even as Abraham's wife. The law is a servant, to mirror sin, to show Israel's need for a Saviour. Jesus did not save us so we could go on sinning whenever we choose. We can't rely on our goodness as we can never pay our debt. Jesus' forgiveness is all that counts.
Sunday, 20 May 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 30 mins 38 secs
When a child is born they are immediately a part of that family. As Christians, we are blessed to automatically be a part of God's family and can enjoy all the spritual richness that now comes with that. Israel, God's children, were under the guardianship of the law. In this passage, we are reminded as Christians of what we were (under slavery to the world's forces), what God did (sent Jesus to save us) and what they we now (God's children and legitimate heirs to what He has to offer). Is your Christian life moving towards the freedom that Jesus has won for you?
Sunday, 13 May 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 27 mins 55 secs
The law was established by God to show the Israelites how to live as a nation. It challenged man's sinful ego, which recognised itself as under attack, and therefore furiously defended itself. The law does not changes the hearts of people but now ensures that they understand that only Jesus is good enough to save them. As a Christian, we can rejoice in the fact that God has called us His child.
Sunday, 06 May 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 25 mins 35 secs
Paul reinforces in this passage to the Galatians Christians the importance of how grace came into their lives - there was no law or ritual they had to go through, they only had to believe. Those who said that they now needed to follow the Jewish law to remain in Christ were wrong. The grace offered by God is for all people who believe. We cannot be saved by upholding to the law and doing good works. Salvation comes only through Jesus Christ.
Sunday, 29 April 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 29 mins 55 secs
Peter (Cephas) knew first hand from Jesus that a person was not saved by the law, but by having faith and giving their life over to Jesus. In this passage, Paul challenges Peter to the way he was living and forcing Gentiles to follow Jewish customs. Peter's actions did not match up to what he said and his hypocrisy was leading others astray. As Christians, we need to ensure that our life reflects what we believe and that we live according to the truth of the gospel and as a good witness to others.
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 30 mins 37 secs
Paul focuses on the Gospel of Grace in his letter to the Galatians. In this passage, Titus is shown as an example of the grace given by God. As a Gentile, Titus did not need to follow the Jewish customs to have a relationship with Jesus. Paul is wanting to emphasise to the Galatians that grace is offered as a gift from God and does not require them to do good works to achieve it. God continues to work in the world today. His gift of grace is offered to everyone who wants to accept it. The challenges for Christians today is sharing the gospel with others so that they have the opportunity of responding in faith and obedience.
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 29 mins 45 secs
What is special about the grace that Paul received? He received the Gospel of Grace through a real life encounter with Jesus. We too can receive this same grace as we recognise our needs and call Jesus into our lives. Paul's persecution of Christians was turned around after his encounter with God. No matter what we have done in our lives, Jesus wants us to have a relationship with Him.
Sunday, 08 April 2018
Series: Galatians
Duration: 32 mins 19 secs
Paul reminds the Galatians about the gospel of grace and not having to continue with the Jewish law as part of their Christian walk. We need to be reminded of the gospel of grace for our lives as well. Grace is about rescuing us when we don't even know we need rescuing. It is very easy to fall back onto our own strength and to try to make ourselves right with God by our own actions. There is no good work we can do to win God's grace. Jesus has already done everything for us by His death on the cross. We only need to accept that and ask Him into our lives.